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Hindsight Story Night 26

When mechanical delays make the moment last forever

Not just a wonderful story but a lesson in how to deliver your work perfectly.

His frame tells a different story.

I listen to his experiences as though he is reading to me from a book of fairy tales.

Between his right index and middle fingers he holds a cigarette that isn’t there.

Such a perfect snap shot of the one who got away. Thank you, Sarah.

A new focus:

In 2009 the film made from my book Choke got a slot at the Sundance Film Festival. Some 17,000 films applied for the 32 available slots, and we got one. Of those 32 films only two found distributors; of those, one was Choke. It sold to Fox. At the time my agent said, “Sundance is an excellent shop window.” A wonderful Brit phrase for a place to be showcased and seen.

Beginning today, I’d like these videos to serve as shop windows. If you’ve got links to your books, or your site, or other projects, please send them to me via The Cult. It can be tough to get eyeballs on your work, so my hope has always been to connect writers to the world. If you’d like to write a short bio that I can cut and paste next to the video, write it, send it. For an excellent example, check out the bio and links I’ve just added to Erin Potter’s last video, here.

Maybe some agent who is building her list will see you here. Maybe the intern at a publishing house will see you and suggest you to the next higher-up.

As always, if you ever want me to take down your video, please let me know via The Cult, and I will do so quickly.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Here’s to taking the next step.

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Chuck Palahniuk's Plot Spoiler
Chuck Palahniuk