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Oct 12, 2022
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god bless you

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Oct 11, 2022Edited
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This ☝️ one.

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This is what starts the nano apocalypse!

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This sounds like a psy-op. I'm in. After all, look what a psy-op did for Ted Kaczynski.

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Infant abandonment and LSD dont mix well.

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I would obviously give it a "Karen" haircut.

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Definitely an obelisk or stone circle of some kind. A beautifully ordained slab, buried far enough into the ground that no seismic activity could shift it. Cthulhu-esque engravings expertly carved deep into the smooth face of the rock depicting a horrible ritual whose meaning, lost in the annals of time, would serve as the warning. That way, any who dare to perform said ritual would either die from radiation sickness, or become that which they sought to bring forth.

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We all like a good obelisk

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Surround the perimeter with life-sized cutouts of Donald Trump. That'll do it.

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The problem here lies in our ability as a species to not carry wisdom from age to age via genetics. It’s carried via written or spoken text. The problem with drawing a picture, making a sign, or an announcement is that future generations will not understand the intent. Maybe they will think that we are trying to hide treasures and go anyway.

Unfortunately death is the only thing that a species understands. So each future species that learns of this dangerous place must communicate in their own way they understand.

I say we make the facility very difficult to get into, one way in, one way out. Long. Dark. Imposing. Hard to traverse. Then after a certain distance we allow radiation to tick up quickly so they feel terrible and decide to leave, with enough energy to make it back to their civilization, to tell the story of where they went, and die shorty afterwards, as a warning to not go again as long as they can transfer that information to each other.

So the mechanism is a sacrifice.

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Erect a simple structure made of large blocks of dark limestone. Drill holes in the stones, and align them geometrically spaced so that the wind shrieks and moans passing through them. Seed the soil surrounding the structure so that nothing grows.

Won't keep everyone out, but most humans will not linger long in such a place.

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I come from a culture that allows toddlers to stick pennies in light sockets and touch hot stoves because pain teaches lessons much more efficiently than words.

Just let em figure it out on their own.

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What about loaded guns next to car seats?

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My family didnt leave them loaded and laying around, but I have been around some extremely idiotic irresponsible gun owners. Did receive a BB gun when I was 6 and shot a .22 the first time when I was 7. Got shot with a BB Gun by my uncle around that same age. Was taught to always check if it was loaded, never look down the barrel, and never point it at anything I didnt intend to kill. I listened, but do all 7 year olds?

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I’m sure there are seven year olds who wouldn’t follow instructions. Just like the woman who was shot by her toddler a couple of years ago who survived, insisted that it was critical that her son not be afraid of guns after.

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There was a little girl shooting an uzi at a gun range a few years ago who lost control of it and shot/killed the instructor.

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Ain't Lead Paint so sweet? I never understood the fuss.....

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Me neither. It's delicious!

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Must be a February Pisces thing. And those gigantic radiators musta killed a few kids. I knocked my front teeth out on them playing a game at 4 years old I invented and quickly discarded as too dangerous cuz it involved a trip to ER, stitches, and braces later on lol

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Just wrote about being certified by the EPA to remove lead paint safely and wondered if any construction workers ever ate it.

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I have a vague memory of someone saying they added lead paint chips to their Cheerios as a sweetener but that notion is so vague I can't remember if that was true, an urban legend or from a story I heard.....I'm 49 could be all of above but it makes sense lol ....

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I think I learned once that the Romans put lead flakes in their wine when it went rancid. Probably killed whatever was growing in it, and gave it a sweet taste.

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Is this why everyone used to lick the oxidization from their lead pencils? Graphite is for pansies. Ive heard that oysters put lead in pencils or something like that.

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Disney has done it in the Haunted House. Best use of holograms wins. ( not an answer, but we need more uses for holograms. ;) And, we are already in the experimental radioactive dump phase. down wind is Spokane or Portland. And may the best thyroid nodule win.

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Hey, I grew up next to that nuclear site. Half my family works/worked at Hanford. Oh, the stories they tell.

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It is unequivocal. To be effective for anything sentient, disincentive must be immediate and severe. As such, one must harness the inherent danger of nuclear waste to actually mitigate the danger for future beings. All waste sites should have “dead-man” triggers set for every 100 years. If not reset, the site explodes and the full force of the contamination makes all danger obvious and drastic.

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Put land mines a 100 feet in front of the site. They try anything kaboom they get blown up and won't get near the site.

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You know the Moai(sp?) they have at Easter Island? I'd do that with giant stone models of Gummi bears arranged in various sex positions. People will want to stay the hell away from whoever built that.

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ahhaha can't stop laughing at this

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Stay away? I’m buying a ticket to get some subject in the foreground imitating the subject in the background selfies!

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Or we could create a horrible stench. I don't know ow how the nuclear subways do it but we could recreat that smell and everyone will stay away

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The containment area is surrounded by a massive cement structure that is multiple layers thick. There is one heavy door. Next to the door is a telephone, when a caller lifts the telephone, a robot voice will instruct to complete the intake call and the door will unlock automatically. The voice is an AI with government-level machine learning capabilities, and adapts rapidly to the caller's responses. The intake call begins with a MLM pitch, a sponsor for the facility, and you are required to authorize one free trial shipment to continue any further. Once the caller jumps through several of these pitch-hoops, the AI will have gathered enough personal data to switch to a voice the caller will recognize. Maybe it's a mother, a son; it's someone deceased the AI was able to reconstruct from NSA data who will begin to instill panic and dread in the caller telling them to run, run now, get to safety. They'll say they are being held in a hospital hundreds of miles away, and they've been hopping phone lines trying to find the caller. They'll say it doesn't make any sense but please, listen. They'll wisper that some..thing dragged them out of the ground and the tug of the earth tore their skin to bits which woke them from what they thought was death, and it brought them through halls of pitch black engulfed in screams of terror. Theyll beg for mercy and a second quicker death. The caller can talk to them for however long they want, but that door will never actually open, and the longer they talk the smarter that AI becomes.

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I wouldn't frighten or use force, maybe be a bit dreamy here... maybe even romantic?

In a timeline where humans further down the line, respond more to art and reason, than violence and fear. Let's go for big big solar/wind powered flat screens rounding the area, airing the movie Stalker on forever repeat. Call the Top one percent of linguists and mathematicians to break down the dialogue/scenes/sequences to some form of universal math, as its a language anyone from any age or era can understand. With a simple guideline ofc. This might not seem a job for artists - or maybe it is. Anyhow, that movie will do the trick on most people, which is enough. Just look at the Stalker character ffs, hopeless and fucked up and all screwed, because he couldn't help but tresspass on that nuclear waste site. To add, look at the other two also, they were so beaten all the way.

Funny how the bleak Stalker will be THE life saving inspirational movie. More than Rocky one and more than half of Will Smith's filmography.

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