Do you lie awake at night wondering what your mother really thought of you? That would bug the shit out of me.

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some people like to throw grenades and look away.. why not throw a grenade at someone you look up to?

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Most writers would do anything for such "limited success." I had a chat with a book marketing coach (yes, these things exist) and the summary was to write as many books as possible as quickly as possible to sell more books. A bit disheartening if you don't crank out the fiction at a breakneck pace. What would you do if you were just started writing fiction today, Chuck?

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I hope your mom's friend got the medication she needs to be able to think before she talks. So sorry you had to hear that hurtful comment! My favourite line is when people tell me "I heard you play." (I'm a very amateur fiddler and like to find nooks with great acoustics, such as stairwells in a community centre). They are usually not looking hostile or put upon, but what do you say to that?

I can imagine the live improv version of Guts must have been at least as thrilling as hearing the original.

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"Compared to what?" is a reply I like to use on intrusive, insensitive, obnoxious individuals who drop these types of comments. The question allows them to :reflect on their comment and apologize; or generously buys them time to clarify their ill-formed comment; or struggle to find the actual comparison to validate their argument—assuming they even have one.

"The Corn Exchange" building? What a perfect venue for "Guts." All that corn in the translucent intestine. Holy shit.

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"How does it feel to have such limited success?"

"Like Harper Lee."

We're all guilty of saying/doing dumb stuff. (thinks. raises hand. thinks. raises hand ad infinitum)

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this makes me think of the first time I interview you back in 2003… at some point you said “now I’d like to ask you a question… I’m reading a short story in this tour. every night people collapse. 33 people so far. have you heard something about it?”

“yeah, I’ve read something on the Internet, but thought it was just another urban legend.”

you laughed and looked so satisfied “nah, it’s all true… you should try…”

and when I handed you my copy of Lullaby to have it signed, you noticed a sentence about Fight Club on the cover. You crossed “Fight Club” out with a line and wrote “Guts!”.

You really seemed so very proud of Guts.

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People's insensitivity never fails to astound and disappoint me.

Amazing postcard from Brighton. It's the events (life events too I mean) that are less than perfect, or erratic or whatever else, that always remain the most vivid in the memory. As a great quote once said "Everything is funnier in retrospect..." 😏

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Some people are cruel. Some people trip over their own words. Your mother's friend may have been thinking that your mother was afraid she would express her fears or concerns and mashed that into the friend's silly ideas which came out as "what you're mother thought of you". Your student may have been thinking "limited" as compared to his view that you are the greatest author ever. These are the types of things I tell myself to get through the day.

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My heart broke reading the comment from your mother’s friend.

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I mean, where does one start? The student? F#$k sakes. I would die a happy man with a Fight Club or Guts under my belt. That would enough, but there's lots more after that worth bragging about. You have to wonder if your mothers friend is being honest or projecting, assuming, or just a crazy old bat. Could be some missing context. Either way it's a kick to the balls.

This is a great post.

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Everyone's probably got a moment where, under pressure, they've said something stupid. It probably haunts them at nights now. The sort of thing where, just as they're about to fall asleep, their brain will remind them of that time they made a tit of themselves and now they can't sleep for another hour at least. The time when words just came out wrong and then they realised they couldn't take them back. That they're out now and've been heard.

This happens to me all the time.

I always try to find the best possible interpretation, however far-fetched, because things aren't always said in malice.

Like maybe your mum's friend, she meant nothing more serious than an off-hand comment about something innocuous. Like a poorly chosen outfit or taste in music or pizza topping. Or that maybe your mum was really proud and didn't want to embarrass you by bringing it up. The thoughts could've been good or bad. I'd like to think that nobody would say something so intentionally hurtful at such a crappy time.

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I wanted to pose a question to the group. What criteria do you use to find a local writing group? Seattle is close enough to Portland to write in study hall on occasion. I was looking for something to hold me accountable on a more consistent basis.

Meetup seemed to have several active groups. I figure that will be a good enough start as any other. Any advice would be appreciated. I will let everyone know how it goes. This way there can be a public record of how many brony fan fiction groups I come across before finding a good one.

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At a family Christmas party, I ran into an old friend from high school, and my mother-in-law grabbed the girl’s shoulders and told me, “This is who I wanted my son to marry!” My friend said something sweet in response but it was definitely a lolwtf kind of moment.

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The reading scene sounds like an epic moment that should have been in “Citizen Kane” at a jaunty camera angle shooting up at you both from the people’s view.

You have me re-watching “Rosemary’s Baby.” 🤭😳

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When I was 8 or 9 (or 10!), my dad took me to see our GP because I was sick. On his desk was a picture of a boy of similar age to me. "Who's that?" I asked. "That's my son." "Oh... He's ugly."

I don't know why I said it. It just came out. It still haunts me to this day (I'm 38).

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