Its because he is the real deal. He has nothing to gain from lying, except harassment from the government. The IRS raided his house years ago. He was paid up on his taxes. The story of his coworker taking a plasma torch to some anti-gravity device, and blowing himself up. Nuts.
That and I watched an entire video of a body language expert break him down and the guy came up empty when looking for slip-ups even in body language. The fact that Lazar is telling the truth is absolutely terrifying. Even when Lazar talks about how the Government hired him because he was a highly unqualified mechanical engineer sounds EXACTLY like something the US government would do. Lazar said "I race cars in the desert! What the fuck am I doing looking this thing!?? Im totally not qualified to be here!" lol Yep. Hes telling the truth.
Of course they would hire a hot shot self made engineer! Bob is a badass. He is just not the type to make things up. His life has been awesome. He has no need to. He's super matter of fact, and completely unexcited when he speaks on these things.
When you play live music, there is a lonely old man in every bar that claims to be a scout for Americas Got Talent, or they know Greg Allman, or some producer is their cousin, or they used to be Kenny Roger's tour manager. I tell them Im not interested, but they keep talking anyway. These old men never learned that lying doesnt help them make friends, it has the opposite effect. Just trying to paint the picture that I know the type. Bob Lazar is not a bullshitter.
I remember seeing him on TV when I was a kid, and Im glad he is getting the attention he deserves. Also glad that the government released those documents, and are leaving him alone. Did you listen to the youtube link of the Area 51 caller I posted toward the top of the thread for Chuck?
Also: Im going to post my email at the top of the next thread and ask everyone to email me so I can start a discord for all the students here. This comment thread system is wonky, and Id like to get a tight little community going centered on writing if we can.
I listened to an interview with Bob Lazar. I want to believe in aliens, and I do think that there has to be other life in the universe. But I did not find Lazar's 'proofs' to be very compelling. For example, he 'predicted' element 115 long before it could be created by scientists in a lab, but there are many gaps in the periodic table of elements. All one has to do is pick a number from one of the gaps, and sometime in the future scientists will 'discover' that element in the lab. For me to believe that element 115 could power a craft of some sort through the manipulation of gravity as Lazar claims, the element would have to be shown in the labs of the scientists who created it to have some sort of properties other than simple existence.
It would be totally cool if it was true. And hopefully one day when we do find the aliens, they will be benevolent and not like the ones from any of those many alien invasion movies.
You know Bob Lazar's story? He even has seasoned journalists thinking he's the real deal.
I saw the documentary on him. Really compelling.
Its because he is the real deal. He has nothing to gain from lying, except harassment from the government. The IRS raided his house years ago. He was paid up on his taxes. The story of his coworker taking a plasma torch to some anti-gravity device, and blowing himself up. Nuts.
That and I watched an entire video of a body language expert break him down and the guy came up empty when looking for slip-ups even in body language. The fact that Lazar is telling the truth is absolutely terrifying. Even when Lazar talks about how the Government hired him because he was a highly unqualified mechanical engineer sounds EXACTLY like something the US government would do. Lazar said "I race cars in the desert! What the fuck am I doing looking this thing!?? Im totally not qualified to be here!" lol Yep. Hes telling the truth.
Of course they would hire a hot shot self made engineer! Bob is a badass. He is just not the type to make things up. His life has been awesome. He has no need to. He's super matter of fact, and completely unexcited when he speaks on these things.
When you play live music, there is a lonely old man in every bar that claims to be a scout for Americas Got Talent, or they know Greg Allman, or some producer is their cousin, or they used to be Kenny Roger's tour manager. I tell them Im not interested, but they keep talking anyway. These old men never learned that lying doesnt help them make friends, it has the opposite effect. Just trying to paint the picture that I know the type. Bob Lazar is not a bullshitter.
Word. I'm glad that there are other people as taken by Bob Lazar as I am. It's an absolutely striking story and the implications are extraordinary,
I remember seeing him on TV when I was a kid, and Im glad he is getting the attention he deserves. Also glad that the government released those documents, and are leaving him alone. Did you listen to the youtube link of the Area 51 caller I posted toward the top of the thread for Chuck?
Also: Im going to post my email at the top of the next thread and ask everyone to email me so I can start a discord for all the students here. This comment thread system is wonky, and Id like to get a tight little community going centered on writing if we can.
I listened to an interview with Bob Lazar. I want to believe in aliens, and I do think that there has to be other life in the universe. But I did not find Lazar's 'proofs' to be very compelling. For example, he 'predicted' element 115 long before it could be created by scientists in a lab, but there are many gaps in the periodic table of elements. All one has to do is pick a number from one of the gaps, and sometime in the future scientists will 'discover' that element in the lab. For me to believe that element 115 could power a craft of some sort through the manipulation of gravity as Lazar claims, the element would have to be shown in the labs of the scientists who created it to have some sort of properties other than simple existence.
He has no proof, but Im taking his word for it on this one.
It would be totally cool if it was true. And hopefully one day when we do find the aliens, they will be benevolent and not like the ones from any of those many alien invasion movies.