Too spooky. During my childhood you didn't want to be a cow in a pasture in Montana, not unless you wanted to get radical surgery at night from aliens.
As a child, I was always most afraid of spontaneous human combustion. The idea that I might explode into flames at any moment would give me the shivers if ever I was home alone at night. But now that I have learned that anomalous fires are typically caused by the wicking effect, I have trouble believing in anything anymore. Also, it broke my heart to find out that crop circles are simply hillbilly art projects done under cover of darkness. But I still tell my son that Santa is a real thing even though I know one day he will know the truth and realize I am just a liar as well.
Smoking in bed is how the fire starts, butt the bedding and blankets soak up the fat as it renders out of the body. The bedding burns like a candle wicking up the fat and burning much longer than it would without the fat. I saw it recreated on MythBusters or some similar show using a hog wrapped in a wool blanket and laid on the bed. The pig burned with a low flame for about 12 hours without catching the room on fire. When it was done, the pig had burned away completely, and the bed was only burned where the pig had been laid.
Aliens do love their anal probes. Maybe that caller knew what he was talking about.
Too spooky. During my childhood you didn't want to be a cow in a pasture in Montana, not unless you wanted to get radical surgery at night from aliens.
As a child, I was always most afraid of spontaneous human combustion. The idea that I might explode into flames at any moment would give me the shivers if ever I was home alone at night. But now that I have learned that anomalous fires are typically caused by the wicking effect, I have trouble believing in anything anymore. Also, it broke my heart to find out that crop circles are simply hillbilly art projects done under cover of darkness. But I still tell my son that Santa is a real thing even though I know one day he will know the truth and realize I am just a liar as well.
Ive read that this was nearly always a result of smoking in bed, and having highly combustible bedding. Have no idea if its the truth or not.
Smoking in bed is how the fire starts, butt the bedding and blankets soak up the fat as it renders out of the body. The bedding burns like a candle wicking up the fat and burning much longer than it would without the fat. I saw it recreated on MythBusters or some similar show using a hog wrapped in a wool blanket and laid on the bed. The pig burned with a low flame for about 12 hours without catching the room on fire. When it was done, the pig had burned away completely, and the bed was only burned where the pig had been laid.