Favorite color: Black

Void, shadow, mystery

Favorite animal: owl

Wisdom, peering, mystery

Favorite body of water: Lake Erie

Grand, deep, eerie


Blinding, painful, isolating

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Black: strong, mysterious, consuming

Squirrel: nimble, flighty, cute

Lake Superior: violent, expansive, deceptive

The room: quiet, empty, clean

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Purple. Bruised, textured, dark.

Penguin. Cold, formal, loud.

Mississippi. Bold, brown, mighty.

White room. Sterile, bright, soft.

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For "Body of Water" I said The St. Lawrence Seaway: Busy, fast, and crowded. How awkward of me. But I was in college! I was 23!

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Black: Mysterious, deep, mother

Snake: Cold, endless, ancient

Nile: Long, verdant, birth of civilization

Room: Peace, rest, formlessness

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1 Orange. Warm, bright, exciting

2 Octopus. Mysterious, scary, smart

3 Willamette River. Memorable, calming, dangerous

4 Empty, quiet, vast.

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1. Grey - neutral, mixed, unknown

2. Dog - happy, loving, carefree

3. Pacific Ocean - endless, vast, deep

4. Room - blank, claustrophobic, ambiguous

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1. Color : Black - Simple, clean, elegant

2. Animal : Honey Badger- Fearless, agile, ferocious

3. Body of water : Sea - Deep, scary, lost

4. All-white room : Suffocating, bored, anxiety

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Hope, Melancholy, Stormy


Beautiful, Evolutionary, poisonous

Reservoir #6

Lonely, Green, Peaceful


Gray, Anechoic, Occluded

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#1 What’s you favorite color? "Pale Teal"

"Vintage, uplifting, soft"

#2 "Cat: Hostile, soft, lovable"

#3 Great lakes: wet, cold, sharp

#4 Now, picture this: You’re in an all-white room with no windows or doors. Give me three words that describe that room. Bright, boring, quiet.

Hmmmm...This will be interesting.

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Red: bold, dangerous, love

Tiger: powerful, elusive, loner

Mediterranean Sea: tranquil, endless, clear

Room: isolated, empty, suffocating

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Turquoise: cool, inviting, mysterious

Fox: pretty, smart, agile

Gulf of Mexico: large, living, vast

Room: scary, uncanny, trap-y

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Red: passionate, exhilarating, visceral

Cat: fuzzy, mischievous, independent

Lake Michigan: vast, wild, frigid

Room: spare, peaceful, lonely

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1. Green- Mischievous, shiny, spunky

2. Penguin- shifty, lazy, racist

3. Pacific Ocean- Deep, debris filled, dangerous

4. Sad, numb, limp

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Black-scary,dark, mysterious

Dog-furry,soft, friendly

Atlantic-cold,salty, rough

White rm-scary, smothering,bright

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Cobalt Blue - Intense, unnatural, vivid

Dog - furry, friendly, playful

East River - dirty, bodies, nearby

Room - scary, insane, Kubrick

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