I remember that Sedaris autopsy anecdote from the first Rogan podcast. Guess that means, for better or for worse, it’s an effective anecdote/story.

New York vs Portland, huh? May whichever city harbouring the majority of nuclear warheads hidden in silos beneath the earth win.

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Reckon Im gonna have to organize my own storytelling night.

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After I read "David Sedaris" and then "autopsy," I knew the story you were about to tell. This is the benefit of watching so many Chuck interviews lol

You talk about not to drink too much booze. What about pot? Mushrooms? Have you ever read a story high on magic mushrooms before?

And 15 minutes seems short. Can you accomplish much within that time-frame? Make them laugh, make them a little sick, and then ultimately break their hearts.

Any updates on the mic situation? Listening to Krissy read her most recent story, I had to rewind to figure out what she said to get the laughs. And even then I couldn't make out some things.

Thanks much!

Sorry for all the questions. You are totally allowed to tell me to STFU at any time. That option is always on the table. Although, you saying that might just encourage me more? Hahaha!

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I'll stick my nose in here for a sec...

The advice to avoid drinking is probably the same for other drugs. The idea is to keep control of yourself and your body as much as possible – there are lots of things you need to be aware of, and being under the influence of anything would just make it much more difficult.

And about the time, the best stories I've heard on story night seem to do more with less time – more action, more verbs, more tension, more paying off, more engagement. Less descriptions and summaries, less characters, less objects, less noise. The constraint of time can be a huge help in terms of keeping only what matters in the story – and guess what? That's usually all the readers want (especially when they're listening without reading it).

Short stories can be very short and still make a lasting impact.

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Drugs and alcohol might lessen your stress, but they lower your awareness of the audience's engagement. You can't pace yourself to allow for the audience's reaction. And once you step on a laugh or gasp, then the audience becomes afraid to react.

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Yeah I'm laying off CT Medical Marijuana for a few hours......I won the sixth grade spelling bee and my school had these stairs all around the stage and I thought I was badass until I fell down the stairs with my dress over my head and my white tights and underwear on display for the entire sixth.grade and it was humiliating for years but I got over it. So I'm not wearing a dress Monday lol

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gr8 reminder/ recap

it's always about the audience

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Thanks, Cris! I enjoyed when you read your story btw. I will never ever forget you yelling, "Who took a dump in the break room?" LOL

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That part was Chuck's idea! :)

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Hah! I can't even focus my eyes on mushrooms.

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I'm mushroom-curious........btw

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I need to find a story night in Seattle. My neighbors have grown tired of hearing me pontificate my stories through the dry wall.

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Thank you for helping make all this possible, Chuck. Looking forward to the NY reading. Special thanks again to Randy for organizing the event.

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Yes, very special thanks to Randy!

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Ty I love me Sedaris. I'll tell you just why someday but it happened in Naked and it changed me for the better.

These tips are just what I need.

Can't wait to entertain you (I hope)

Ty again......it's been a wonderful year since I signed up here so Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!

Someday I'll tell my 9/11 story as it involves Ed Norton but not Monday. I got a much better story and by don't talk fast.......were you speaking to me directly?????? Lol

Take care,

Karie Anne

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Are the readers from the New York Story Night being recorded and posted here too? The ones who agree to it, of course.

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P.S. And we gonna show you that East Coast always beats West Coast in everything in the end,

except Rap Music............

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Thank you very much for the advice. This is very helpful.

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Gulp (nervous excitement starting and mounting but not overwhelming)

It's not the story night for me. It's the getting in the Maxima and doing this by myself with my big girl panties and my dog Maggie just gonna get over being left behind........

Fuck yeah! My momma would be so proud and that's all that matters to me......

Thank you Randy, Chuck and everyone else I've annoyed in the past year!!!!!!

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LOVE that deck of cards you sent! I have been working on my card tricks lately because I am playing a magician character on an upcoming TTRPG stream. The deck and the shiny sides of the cards has a nice feel! Taught my 7 year old his first card trick as well with that deck. He was thrilled!

Also really like all the 20s history and art!

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Good luck to the readers! I'm looking forward to it.

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Story Night is soooooooooooo fucking addictive!!!!!!!!! I drove home to Connecticut on a killer natural high like nothing ive ever experienced in my life.

I will be at every single one I can (weather permitting, I don't drive in snow or black ice)

Thanks again to everyone!!!!!

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