Happy Derby day!

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Btw the worry stones you sent reside with the cursed baubles given to me by dead residents. Tell me if you feel a tingle in your toes or otherwise dizzy and I’ll move them.

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Thank you for sending out these cursed items to the winners. But are they really winners? It makes you think.

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Many congrats to the winner! 🎉

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Speaking of Mothers Day, you know how you have secondary fathers? Does the concept of secondary mothers exist?

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The world famous author had left the stone soaking in the congealed blood of a killer of no less than 10 men as dictated by the Book of Cheops. Laughing, he remembered how he bought it from a guy named Gus. This tale of woe starts with "Gus".

He wrapped the stone in cheesecloth, put it into a wooden box and tied it with ribbon. For reasons unclear to him, her also threw in a couple of Slim Jims.

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Congrats Banshee!

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Thank you! (apologies for the sloppy editing, I was getting my vaccination booster)

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Yesterday, I wrote about 400 words. And I'm liking what I have although there's not enough there yet. Needs to be beefed up later with more details. Currently, it's the bare bones of a story, mostly just actions. My writing style tends to lean toward underwriting.

I didn't write anything today though.

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These made out facts were really fun to write, and read. I'm not superticious but i'm glad someone else won.

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Congratulations! Kind of enjoying my losing streak however I should say I believe in coincidences but I don't believe in curses. I believe in God and the Devil and not any objects. I would have kept said jewel and not sent to my sister as previously mentioned. There aren't many people I dislike and I've vowed to never speak to her again but creative bells were screaming at the thought of sending a potentially cursed relic to her without me having to actually handle it...........

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Congratulations, Banshee!!

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My mailing address has not changed. I await the eye of Cheops with open arms. (I’ve been chugging holy water so I think I should be good).

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Note to Banshee: I got your note. Happy travels, and I promise not to send the box until June 5th. It will be approx. eight inches square. chuck

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“Victim”? Opening an inter-dimensional gateway to cenobites may be hell for some, but heaven for others, lest we forget.

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