You might be asking too much of the zodiac killer, but we shall see.

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I'm still boycotting the Olympics.

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You are not your mangled edit.

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Looks like you can write and call Ted's office. Maybe it is time to give him a ring? https://www.cruz.senate.gov/contact

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My mom told me that censors just tell others what they can and can’t say because they feel an insatiable desire to mask their baby-dick syndrome. I should know, we can smell our own. On a related note, I’m gonna need y’all to cool it with all the profanity. There are children that can probably read this. For fucks sake.

Grow up

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Ted Cruz's career peaked when he played Grandpa Munster.

It's been downhill for him ever since.

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Hahaha. Yaaaay for canceling China’s cancel culture!

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Have you guys all seen the satire gem of Ted Cruz as an alien pretending to be a human?


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What if the Chinese censors didn’t cave to pressure, but they instead just saw an opportunity to make Cruz look bad?

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This is a landmark in literature history, I hope you get to go to jail, to teach!

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This (sort of) leads me to a question I had actually......

To what extent should someone write 'for' an audience? Especially in these times we hear so much about what authors 'should' or 'shouldn't' do (something that seems particularly prominent now with the "straight actors shouldn't play gay characters" view and the "you need lived experience of something to write about it" attitude.

My natural inclination would be to write whatever I damn well choose......but with an industry seemingly almost hellbent on adhering to these perceived new rules of social behaviour, does a level of practicality have to kick in in order to obtain any sort of audience and appease the gatekeepers?

It's something that bothers me a lot with my writing as I let others read my work and often get "yeah, I like it, but there's no audience whatsoever for this sort of thing".

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Big question is: Would you fight Ted Cruz?

And - Did Putin sing a long to Lennon's Imagine under the opening of the Winter Olympics in Beijing?

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Books banned in prisons is high praise. All books of an author being allowed to reach anyone, is a warning that what's being conveyed in the work might be dishonest.

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Silver lining to the situation—the Streisand effect. China’s “contribution” got people talking about ‘Fight Club’ and I’ll definitely bet that overall interest and consumption of the book and film rose quite a bit. Also take for instance how at a school recently they banned ‘Maus’ and the controversy around that shot ‘Maus’ up to no. 1 on Amazon books. Censorship can have the tendency to backfire significantly and when it does—c’est magnifique!

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Do you know there are well over 500 replies to the contest so far? I'm whistling Dixie.

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