Thanks for everything Chuck.

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At first I thought this said "Thanks for all the fish".

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Well next year I will be turning the age of the ultimate answer to life the universe and everything: as in “What do you get when you multiply 9 x 6?”

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Nailed it!

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You’re a man who really knows where his towel is

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Yes! Thank you for all this!

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Thank you, Chuck! I am very much looking forward to reading everything you've been working on.

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Gun to your head, do you read Jane Austen, or 50 shades?

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The Austen novel with zombies was good. This coming year the first Winnie-the-Pooh book falls out of copyright so expect to see Pooh battling the living dead, too.

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Or expect serial killer Pooh: https://youtu.be/W3E74j_xFtg

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No Eeyore?

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Saving him for the sequel, maybe?

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He comes in at the end. Christopher Robbin shares some of his ritalin and antidepressants and Eeyore takes Pooh out with mad honey and a machete.

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There should be at least one scene where he force feeds someone extract of malt (Marmite etc) until it kills them, while Tigger says, “it’s the magical food that Tigger likes best”

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The one from NZ tastes better.

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Vegemite is best.

I wasn’t sure if Brandan was familiar with it or not, and probably Marmite was the inspiration for the story “In which Tigger comes to the forest and has breakfast”

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I can never remember which one is which, but my kiwi neighbor had tastier weird stuff in a jar than my aussie neighbor.

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I just heard about that a few days ago! Cant illustrate him with the red shirt though. Disney has that shirt sitting on a shelf along with Fight Club.

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Given that it’s a slasher film, I think I’ve come up with a way for Pooh to have an abundance of red on his upper abdomen. . .

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Put too much to-matt-o sauce on his steak and kidney pie?

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I look forward to what you’ll show us in 2023, Chuck. This has, so far, been an incredible adventure. Thank you so much, and I can’t wait for what’s to come.

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You gave a perfect description of rewriting. It's not the words I need to find, it's the patience.

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If I don’t have a complete collection of short stories come a year from now, I give you permission to mail me a box loaded with a spring-powered boxing glove. Or just a straight up bomb. Dealer’s choice.

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Only if the spring powered boxing glove is made by ACME.

Because none of us wants your precious brain to get trashed on account of production delays

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Precious? My brain?

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Of course.

Just because you’re such an immature young-un that you can’t see you’re potential doesn’t mean the rest of us can’t...

And just like Alan Moore I am also a “wretched procrastinator”

I’m confident you will get ththere

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Or a cake with a spike in it.

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Who would do such a thing?

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Only a dimented poop. Id bake and send you a birthday cake with a bastard file inside it if you went to jail.

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Thank you for the assistance in this hypothetical situation? I’m assuming I’ve been jailed for thoughtcrime as my country does arrest people for “offensive” tweets -- the most heinous of crimes imaginable.

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If your ancestors were unable to get their shit together in 1700s England, therefore came here, then you could tweet the most heinous, racist, misogynistic, horrific things ever! Freedom of speech! Well, since Elon bought it. Sort of. Im pretty sure that freedom costs about 20 IQ points.

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And 40 billion in lost stock value...

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Wile E. Coyote?

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I recall the cake with the file from another cartoon. Chip and Dales Rescue Rangers, maybe?

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Please don't say reopening in 2024 when it's 2022 and I've just begun to get started.

You don't want me to shut up now,

And Thanks for giving Sharkfiddy the bookmark. That kids been a collector of everything celebrity since I met him. He told me he will cherish it forever and if there's anyone I've met with undiscovered talent it's him!

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Just Greener Pastures, not the whole subdomstack.

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For what it's worth, I didn't think it dragged! Thoroughly enjoyed it.

Very keen to read the new version, but would definitely like a copy of the original at some point, if the publishers could be persuaded.

Happy New Year everyone.

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I think I have a solution to taxes. You just need to find away to get everyone in the country to refuse to pay them. What’s the government/IRS gonna do? The entire country’s population outnumbers them to quite a large ratio, to say the least. And the people they send to come collect the tax, not only are they also vastly outnumbered, but without taxes being payed, they’re not getting a wage, so they’ll soon phase out.

Checkmate, government/IRS. No longer able to take a slice out of everybody’s income? Feel free to cry about it.

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Right up until the electricity, running water and waste water systems stop working...

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People should consider these losses a learning curve and a surprise gift in the sense that they’ll prompt one to discover a sense of self-reliance.

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Governments are so stupid, crooked and incompetent, it’s easy to forget about the stuff we like: clean drinking water, hospitals (sorry Americans), roads, etc

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Ah, this is where part two of my master plan comes into play. The nonpayment of taxes is to temporarily hold the government hostage. People will return to paying taxes but on one condition -- that there’s now complete transparency in seeing where the tax money goes, and people now have a say in where it goes. No more “mysterious tax money disappearances” and no more funding for anything that someone does not consent to (essentials like clean water, hospitals, education, sewage maintenance, etc, excluded on ubiquitous functioning society grounds).

The plan here is to essentially blackmail the government into doing their job both correctly and adequately.

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The joke is, we already have that in Canada. There are provincial and Federal Auditors-General, and their reports are always fascinating if you’re a math nerd and interested in political corruption.

They usually come out around holidays (like December/January).

Almost no one pays attention, or notices when politicians lie like hell about what the chief accountants put in their reports...

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Dec 31, 2022·edited Jan 1, 2023

(Curtsying in your direction) I’m just happy to be here! Thank you for the past year and I’m sooo excited for Midwest Story Night. Seriously grateful for the friendships I’ve made here. Here’s to improved writing!! CHEERS!!!

Go Chuck, GO!!! So happy for you.

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Enjoyed reading it. Is it ok to ask a question about the plot or will that be inappropriate to your process?

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What a difference a year makes. Thanks for helping me improve my writing. Thanks for creating a place where I can connect with people who like the same stuff as me. Thanks for letting me read Greener Pastures in its current state. Happy last day of 2022.

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Thank you for everything and looking forward to 2023!

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This whole situation was such a gift and I think you so SO much. Not just because we get to read your incredible work that somehow always gets me to go to places I never would have for anyone else, ever, but for letting us in on the most personal place of all for writers - your process - letting us see what was first born - umbilical cord and placental slime and blue skinned - THEN we get the opportunity to see the beautiful, golden, sinewy, Victoria’s Secret model it grows into so we too can know that our own shriveled, embryonic ideas may grow to be glorious, too.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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