You are so completely killing it with these mini stories for the backs of photos!
Again, I’d planned to wait until after tour to choose the winner on each photo. That way everything will stay in suspense for as long as possible. Then—bam—we’ll have a slew of winners who’ll get inscribed copies of Not Forever, But For Now.
As always, the fewer words the better. I’ve got to pen these onto the back of actual photos that I’ll be salting into used books in stores and… libraries. Is that illegal? Hell, let’s give Banksy a run for his money! They could also go into the pockets of clothes in vintage shops.
Before I forget, Oliver Rock absolutely rocked the Netflix night at The Cavern last week. As night fell, the show’s producer took me aside and said, “One more. And I want that pale guy in the black shirt because he’s the only person who will register well on camera at this point.” So by a fluke, Oliver got tagged to read.
I’d brought champagne to celebrate the wrap of the episode shoot. One bottle sat alone and unopened on the bar. And at the orgasmic peak of Oliver’s Tesla-sex story the cork exploded, hitting the ceiling and gushing foam. It was magic. The amazed crowd burst into shocked applause. No one had been near the bottle.
Now we’re all wondering if Oliver has Carrie-type telekinetic powers. Netflix says he’s slated for stardom.
My first meth lab
I sometimes watched them both sleep