Oh dear. I'm a sucker for anything that turns intimacy into a commodity and a transaction. Witness all the "gifts" being pimped before Christmas. My guilty pleasure is reading the review websites for sex workers, where the customers post their (sometimes) terrible experiences in detail. Usually the sex worker will post a denial or ex…
Oh dear. I'm a sucker for anything that turns intimacy into a commodity and a transaction. Witness all the "gifts" being pimped before Christmas. My guilty pleasure is reading the review websites for sex workers, where the customers post their (sometimes) terrible experiences in detail. Usually the sex worker will post a denial or explanation. Among my favorite mea culpas was a sex worker who explained, "I regret that I had McDonald's to eat shortly before our encounter..." I'll leave you to imagine what followed.
Oh dear. I'm a sucker for anything that turns intimacy into a commodity and a transaction. Witness all the "gifts" being pimped before Christmas. My guilty pleasure is reading the review websites for sex workers, where the customers post their (sometimes) terrible experiences in detail. Usually the sex worker will post a denial or explanation. Among my favorite mea culpas was a sex worker who explained, "I regret that I had McDonald's to eat shortly before our encounter..." I'll leave you to imagine what followed.
Then you must read this: