I think my copy just got dropped off at the door!

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The place I ordered my copy from shifted their release date to the 30th. An outrage.

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Ooof the horror

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They closed for January? My small town store is, but he just met me at the door. Diff book though.

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My assumption is that providence is flipping me the middle finger.

So it goes.

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Maybe one of the managers used to give Bret bad reviews and is holding it to keep your brain from running out of your ears?

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Could be, could be.

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Maybe it was supposed to be a compliment?

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I know where he lives....

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You should both settle this by having a write off and produce work that would make even De Sade vomit.

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A write off. Why didn't I make an alliance with you?

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Is that a backhanded compliment?

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Rick Rubin book on creativity drops today too.

Edit: My tiny town bookstore scored me a signed copy without my knowledge!

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I had the pleasure of listening to The Shards in serialized format on Ellis' podcast. Really good, I think it should silence a lot of his haters. And like Chuck, I think he gets maligned more for political reasons than aesthetic ones.

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I wonder why he was dropped by publishers for American Psycho. Was it the cheese and the habitrail or that the elitists in publishing didn't like the lifestyle they aspire to being satirised?

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I read that yesterday and laughed. Does chuck have a rep for getting bad reviews? I didn't think so.

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Achievement Unlocked: Second to Last

And now we know it's a contest, I'll throw my hat in. At least for the little leagues.

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I always gave you good reviews; don’t remember reviewing Bret.

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Do you know anyone who carves totem poles? I've limbed a tall doug fir that died, and have thirty/forty feet of solid trunk that would love to be a totem (in the least culturally insensitive way possible).

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I love that idea. Nathan might; he's very attuned to wood (and extremely talented): https://www.instagram.com/meanderwoodcompany/?igshid=NDk5N2NlZjQ%3D

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I saw Brett do a sell-out reading and Q&A in Manchester for the launch of 'Lunar Park'. He destroyed the earnest questions of the student audience who asked about themes of masculinity and fatherhood in his work. Asking how he would best describe 'Lunar Park', he replied, 'It's kind of like a whole dead-father-son-Hamlet kind of thing...yeah.' When he signed my books, I (in a moment of Cringe) shared I was also A Writer, but often felt blocked as I worried what my mother would think of my stories. He put his head in his hands and said, 'No, no. Do not ever think about what your mom thinks.' Great advice. He then signed the breasts of a Waterstones girl.

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Yes, I read that yesterday! I think it's a compliment 😄

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I mean I only love the best!!!

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P.S. Speaking of contests, I think I figured it out but since I got pressure to win I've gonna chat with Maegan about it tomorrow! Off to bed, up early for the drive. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!

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Is it cause Bret is the cooler author?

Kidding, please don't hate me!


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A good review is like a good cancer diagnosis. The date on your death sentence has been moved back a smidge, and you quietly praise whichever doctors moved it. But you simultaneously become more aware of the executioner's indestructible patience.

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If anyone is looking for signed copies of Bret’s book, I ordered in a case of them to my store so I could get one.

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