And that would definitely rank up there with the best written scam messages I've ever read. And certainly the best reply.

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Jodie sounds a lot like my mum's rich, handsome German boyfriend who would love to come pick her up and take her to paradise with him, but unfortunately he works on an oil rig and needs Google Play gift cards to buy machinery for the rig.

He taught me a valuable life lesson over a Google Hangouts voice chat, kind of like a father would a son: that the German accent is identical to the Nigerian accent.

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Ah fuck; sorry to hear that. Forutunately (I suppose) my mum is poor and always has been, so we're not talking those kind of numbers. She did, however, sell everything she owned, even her clothes, (not to mention all the family members she was fleecing) and I found her living in a house void of all furniture, living on bread and butter, completely out of her mind.

Got to the bottom of it. Got access to their chat history, which was long and disturbing. It's fucked up, the whole business, but what can you do?

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Brutal. Sorry to hear that.

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Yeah, in History we learned that German colonized Nigeria.

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Hate to be "That Guy", but I have to correct you: it was Nigeria that colonised Germany. Berlin being the jewel in the crown of the Nigerian Empire.

*I originally said the crown in the jewel. Might be time to stop smoking.

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Fuck google play cards. But thank googles spam filter and alerts letting me know the message wasn’t from someone I know. Idve been fooled otherwise.

On that note I’ve gotten several text messages asking if I was willing to own such and such house at something address.

I always reply, “4,000,000.”

Then, “going, going, gone.”

Then, “but if you throw in a blowjob I might reconsider.”

Sometimes they try: “hey girl you want to meet a hot man?”

I reply, “I’m 14 pervert.”

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*sell not own dumbass

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Yeah, have you noticed there's seems to be WAY more scammers these days? Mom's phone rings constantly with them. And I have gotten the text message you talk about, the house stuff.

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They call the nursing home all the time. I’ll answer and say they’re talking to so and so’s ghost.

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Weird! Just this morning I referenced the cat body temperature thing in conversation with my cat. Thanks for the shocking piece of writing. I was fooled and delighted.

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I was just meditating, and recalled when I inquired about renting a home in Evergreen, CO, and a scam artist tried to set up a Google Voice account attached to my phone number in reply to a listing. Attempted to rush me to share the validation code texted to me. Still no clue how they could make money this way, but I impolitely declined. I got up from my meditation because my eyes were itching due to the new kitten, picked up my phone, and read this. My eyeball still itches.

Did you get the video/photos of Sage/Wednesday from Dennis?

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The cat? Sorry, it didn't come through. But congratulations! I got the email, but no video.

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I hate scammers!!!!

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No, this was a friend. It came from her email address. Need to get this iguana delivered asap.

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I know a guy who deals in Iguana if you need one shipped ASAP

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Hmmm... I don't want an iguana that "fell off the back of a truck" if you know what I mean.

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Channel 10 news reporting. Local neighborhood yard over run with pet iguanas. Look, someone is dropping another one off now. Sir! Sir! Can we ask you a few questions?

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When I tell you I just did a Danny Thomas spit take with my coffee...

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She's definitely not had her email address hacked? If not she deserves all the iguanas life throws at her.

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I'm embarrassed to say I didn't even consider this a scam and was jaw dropped at Chuck's reply HA Anyone want some Good Play cards?

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When life gives you cancer, fill that hole with google play cards.

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Toxoplasmosis and a desire to use the dying as heat-pad for their ass. What’s up with cats, man?

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Got to be a worm evacuation strategy.

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I think cats really just be out here putting the word “animal” between “domestic” and “terrorist”.

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Friends call their Boston terriers "Boston Terrorists."

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Oh my gosh! Also, I have a lizard (bearded dragon, but similar enough?) and agree that this would be a wonderful gift!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Also, I'll try to link it here, but there's a HILARIOUS book I received as a wedding gift called DELETE THIS AT YOUR PERIL about someone going back and forth with spammers. Recommended! https://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=30596224737&searchurl=ds%3D20%26kn%3Ddelete%2Bthis%2Bat%2Byour%2Bperil%26sortby%3D20&cm_sp=snippet-_-srp1-_-title2

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Liked. It's always been a dream to write a short story in the form of a chain letter.

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You read my mind! Let's do this.

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Yes! And retire on the pyramid scheme money.

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What an amazing book!! So glad I read through the comment section!!

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Would that make a cat a "purrin'" of interest in case of a mysterious death?

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If I'm near death and someone gives me a Google Play card...or a cat...I'll kill him (or her - closed parenthesis). But not the cat.

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Story is indeed everything. Take fortune tellers, tarot readers, self proclaimed saints, spiritual healers and the like, they'd spend weeks and weeks building a profile on a probable victim. Preferably the desperate ultra-religious types. They use spies and all sorts of theatrics, using the wow factor brilliantly, building the perfect story. They tried to scam my mother once but, her careful nature saved her.

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Am i the only one thinking about Judy's friend and how she will feel when Judy will open the door, a phone in her hand, saying "i tried as hard as i could... Bit i'm sorry, dying friend... no google card for you..."

Even the ceiling fan will cry.

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"But, Jody...I needed to play Candy Crush...one last...time."

"I know, baby. But Chuck did send you this gorgeous iguana."

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Next email from the person is under the subject: ‘DO YOU THINK I’M FUCKING PLAYING???’ Followed by an attached image that shows someone holding a gun aimed at a copy of ‘The Collected works of Amy Hempel’.

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In the Cemetery Where Amy's Book is Buried

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Tetherfield the American Iguana. Gold.

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Sheesh Chuck, I'd hate to send you a love letter when your mind is still in Gloves Off mode. Funny, maybe when you see all the coding like Neo, you can't really go back. I bet it's such an ingrained habit for you at this point, you are probably mentally correcting this comment. Probably every comment here.

Also I had to look up Iguanas cause this rock iguana knows commands and is ACTUALLY affectionate...and I found another video saying don't get a green iguana cause they are not nice. I bet they are the same ones that whip you with their tails!

Oh wait...something just hit me. Her email does kinda read like a hustle. I don't know. Something tells me she is just gonna use the gift cards for herself.

I just love how everything is slowly revealing itself haha

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Shhhh... don't spoil the surprise for all the others.

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