Chuck I always wondered how you felt about the endless merchandising and commercialization of Fight Club. I assume you find the irony amusing.

(note that I paid good money for a replica of the motorcycle t shirt Brad Pitt wore in tje film)

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I'm amused and somewhat guilt free because 20th Cent. Fox owns all the merch rights.

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Question is, did you shell out your hard-earned and get one?

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Hah. I have a massive "port wine stain" birthmark, and that's enough for me.

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I have a white birthmark on my belly. Was really cool until stretch marks obliterated it. Absolutely unrecognizable now.......

Gawd, everyone should get at least one tat they regret........

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Ummm… what?!? Nooooo. Because = the only rule about Fight Club, etc.

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Imagine paying for something called the ‘Fight Club’ brand thinking it’s a tattoo, only to have two people hold you down and for the person you thought was going to tattoo you pull out a container of lye.

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That is so clever.

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He knows this because Tyler knows this

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Keep the tattoo moisturized with Bob's boob sweat.

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Tattoo can also mean a punch in the face. I love our language.

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Chuck, can you help me remember something? I vaguely remember you responding to a comment on here and you said every book/story should contain a t-shirt line, a saying that might go good on a shirt. Or maybe it was a fortune cookie line. Something like that. Am I close?

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In my observation, those line tend to be Big Voice, right? These really pithy but profound statements. Like...the stuff you own end up owning you.

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Agreed. Several people have cited the Amy Hempel line "All dogs want is for no one to ever leave." To me, if someone can read an entire book and remember one eloquent line, that's a success.

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This isn't from a book but the show "Bojack Horseman" had this beautiful takeaway line that I adored. I can't remember which character said it but they said, "When you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags." Doesn't that reveal such a painful truth? When you want to see the good in someone, you are kind of blinded to the flaws.

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All the best books have a line that floors you 😁

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That would look great on my butt.

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Have a tattoo of Sisyphus with Camus' face and a big stupid grin in the works. Also, I have 365 days of 30s left. Reply here for an address to send bday gifts, or boxes of poo, which is also a gift.

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I actually have 2 Fight Club tattoos. One is the soap and it says "This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time" and the other is half Tyler/ half narrator.

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I've got one already.......I need to get the color done. My very bestest friend is a UBER-talented artist that made it to the finals to be picked for a reality show and at the last minute they told her no after saying yes because she had made one mistake in her life, just one. She's the only one who will tattoo me especially since she managed to cover skin seen left with a beautiful mermaid

Now, that karie anne was supposed to look like Comic Sans and I was obsessed with Tommy Girl shit at the time. I wanted it to look like graffiti.....

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Pffft.... I know Mr. Palahniuk hates this, but I'll brag about it anyway... I already have a massive "Survivor" tattoo. lmao...

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P.S. While you were out of the country, Interview with a Vampire premiered on AMC......it really is very delicious.............

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I wonder if anyone has ever gotten the tattoo designs in Consider This

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