This looks pretty amazing. What was it for?

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(embarrassed) I think it was for the story collection "Make Something Up." We did the beach ball stunt on several tours, including the Adult Bedtime Stories tour with Monica Drake and Chelsea Cain. It was breathtaking to see in person.

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It was breathtaking to be buried under them in the center aisle.

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It was as much a happening as can happen without someone losing an eye. Signed, a veteran glowing-ball-thrower-and-delighted-victim-of-Mr.P-throwing-body-parts-in-Naperville.

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That first chapter…. damn it, I’m in. Seatbelt on. That’s what does it EVERYTIME. Just like watching a movie I’m totally engrossed in—- afterwards, I have to go back and re-read. DOOM and RANT. Same. (Screams and waves arms like Kermit the Frog). Ready for more. 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽

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Oh dear. I'm glad this is serialized. Some of the upcoming chapters might overwhelm you a bit. It goes some dark, outrageous places. Pace yourself!

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I’ve been reading your books for 20 some years… I’m still here. And man, I’ve read some gross things in my time… bring it. Challenge accepted— plus, you have no idea the things I’ve already gone through in my life! You ever work at a place where they have a specific knife to cut someone else’s giant turd so it flushes down the toilet? I have and had to use it. 🤷🏻‍♂️

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I’m second thought— I will head your warning, though. Just wanted to make it known I wasn’t a frail, thin wafer cookie. 🤨

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Are wafer cookies so frail? I mean, even pudding can be lethal.

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I read Mr. P's work assuming there's a crude safeword mechanic in place in case of any overwhelms...I have no reason to assume this, but I haven't needed it yet!

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YES, I'm 100% with you on the Kermit arms.

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First chapter was funny… and reminded me of the time a hummingbird died on our watch. My dad and I have a glassblowing studio on Whidbey Island. One day we’re blowing glass and a hummingbird flies in through the bay door. Flew up in the rafters, panting. Eventually we couldn’t find it anymore and assumed it flew out. We found it a week later, dead behind the filing cabinet. We still keep its carcass on top of the furnace, and I look at it every time I gather glass. Ironic part is that we make glass hummingbirds—have for years—and they’re our best sellers. Chuck, I would love to make one for you in the color of your choice! Please reach out with a mailing address if you’re interested.

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I did see you at your Adult Bedtime Stories at Firehouse Saloon in Houston, Tx. You read Zombie, it was perfect for the setting. The man I took with me didn't want to use the beachballs or the glowsticks at the event. He wanted to keep them for souvenirs. We are no longer together and I believe I still have the balls unopened, and the glowsticks unbroken. Still haven't had another occasion to use them...

Still had a great time at the event, even with the party pooper firmly attached to my arm.

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Oh my goodness, I think I was there. Was it May 21, 2015? The dinosaur reference confused me, not sure if it is the same place, but I saw you at the Carnegie Library of Pittsburg Lecture Hall. I was one of the 2 blue haired girls (the other was my stepsister Casey) who sat outside all day long and were first in line. You gave us black skull piggy banks saying it was both of our birthdays. You threw arms and candy bars at us. The beach balls were magical. I have lots of pix and videos and I will try to attach a link to my smugmug online storage here at the end. I'm terrible with technology so I am unsure if it will work. Also, we keep our site private so the only way to view the photos if from the direct link. When I met you again in NC, I gave you a deck of cards with photos from the event. Not sure if you keep them, I'm sure you get tons of gifts at events. I went back and looked through my pictures and I am pretty sure I am there in the front row of this shot, it looks like the same place. I hope so, it would be epic if my first Chuck book event was the best ever. It definitely was to me, but to also be to the author, you, my favorite author, it just over the moon exciting to me.


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it would be just over the moon exciting to me.

I know understand everyone's comments about not being able to edit our comments.

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Looks like it worked. Hopefully it is ok to post here. If not, please let me know and I can delete. Or if you prefer it sent to a more private email address. Also, please ignore the blurry bad pix, I never delete anything. I also take pix of everything including my food.

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