There’s always time for fisting.

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Maybe they wanted to sweeten the deal. Provide a few more incentives to join and stuff. It's all about enthusiasm. Sounds like I wouldn't even have to pay extra.

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Just so long as it's not handwritten.

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Price of admission is probably wanting to “fist come” in the first place (which sounds gory and horrific if it is anything like it sounds like). Hi Cheap and Crass!

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That’s one way to get served.

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Oh man, can this be a running thread? I don’t have anything good currently, but the person who types out the headlines and the scrolls on my local news channel is notorious and I would love to share them with the world, if for no other reason than to shame that person. Typos happen, but this one’s not even trying - or proofreading.

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Reminds me of my ol' newspaper days and printing a headline that should've been "Public phone booths" as "Pubic...."

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That typo never gets old does it? I laugh and I laugh and I...

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While I was a copy kid at the Oregonian we ran a full-page Meier & Frank ad for "Mens Knit Shits". Circa 1982.

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There's always my favorite which isn't exactly a typo:

"Cooking with Pooh" I had to pay a pretty penny for that book: https://www.amazon.com/Cooking-Pooh-Special-Book-Club/dp/1570824169

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Also there was that time I was a graphic designer for a Jewish Temple newsletter and I wrote "Congratulations on your sister's unveiling" because I thought it was a wedding but it was actually for the sister's gravestone unveiling because I thought unveiling meant wedding. My boss laughed so hard I didn't even get in trouble. It got printed though. My bad.

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Hahaha! Love that!

I worked for A&E in 1999 and we ran a big special HORATIO HORNBLOWER. I was helping the marketing woman to print out hundreds of letters for the clients advertising in the special and about 50 sheets in, I noticed it was spelled HOR-BLOWER. had to scrap those letters.

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LOLOL Hilarious! As a graphic designer I have looked at ads I have created literally upside down and backwards and STILL a typo went to print. It's those moments I wanted to die and wondered about my sanity. lolol

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So not so much about typos, although there are some, but the one star reviews on this bidet seat is making me cry with laughter:


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I love reviews! I can't wait for this! LOL

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These are already gold! Reminds me of the "Booty washing" review on Youtube! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRnhNkDbwKE

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I love the one with "it slashes you." LOL Like the bidet comes with a hidden dagger!

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Those Amazon reviews seem genuinely horrified by their bidet experience which is kind of funnier but also kinda sad. lol I was expecting a lot of sarcastic reviews which are always awesome too. LOL

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That made me laugh.

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Local Pizza Hut closed due to “Unforeseen Circumcisions” — https://northernontario.ctvnews.ca/northern-ont-pizza-shop-s-unforeseen-circumcisions-typo-goes-viral-1.6746886

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They must have ran out of pepperoni and become desperate for a meat substitute

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And it went viral. You can't pay for better advertising.

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Loved that. In the story 'Eleanor' I got to write the sentence: "He'd be subjected to fruitless acts of prison cellular reproduction due to circumcisions beyond his control." A writer only gets one of those in a lifetime.

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Had a good one at work this week, counsel sent a letter over and named “His Majesty the Kink in right of Alberta” in the style of cause.

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Not a typo, but typo-adjacent and it made me laugh. This was at my local grocery store. Someone went to great lengths to avoid a typo but forgot one important step.


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Also, it’s things like this and prmpts like, ‘Can you step on the anal here?’ that have ruined me for any other group.

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Damn. A typo when I’m mocking typos. Oh, irony.

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*prompts, for the record. Goddammit.

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My hope is that A.I. will never be able to make the GOOD typos.

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To Prove You're Not a Robot:

Choose all the squares that DO show bisexuals.

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May 28Liked by Chuck Palahniuk

"Shoplifters will be prostituted."

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Fisting. Inconsistent punctuation. An orphaned asterisk... To me, a great mix of simulation combined with absurdism. It reminds me of that translation QA who announced himself as a 'Responsible de calidad' in Spanish (when it should have been 'Responsable de calidad').

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This made me laugh. It still makes me laugh. And I wonder if this smells good. https://www.boredpanda.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/funny-spelling-mistakes-errors-fails-28-5874d9c25a697__605.jpg

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It wasn't so much a typo as it was a vinyl decal that someone stuck on the back windshield of their car. The decal was the torso of a velociraptor and it said "clever girl" (Jurassic Park quote). The person that put the sticker on the car left the clear backing paper on it. So instead of taking the paper off the sticker as you would do with a proper installation, they were driving around Seattle showing everyone they werent very clever. These are the kinda thing that tickle my funny bone.

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