Well, I'm not Steve, but I am a rebel, so I read it anyway and you can't stop me!

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Word. Good company. The quickest way to get me to do anything is to tell me NOT to do it.

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I thought Steve was the ROCKSTAR for a minute....whew, my fantasies are still in play.

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My eyes are not Steve's eyes - but I couldn't help myself. 🐍

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You should have included a real boa constrictor for variety.

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Highlight of my day seeing that headline, and it was a case of mistaken identity.

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Getting clotheslined, or even better - a black eye, at a Chuck Palahniuk reading feels very on-brand

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Last week Lucien Greave's the head of the Satantic Temple tweeted out my Hindsight Story and it felt so so so good...I've never had a better time in my fucking life. I've always wanted to be the villan in the stories...

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Thank you. It's not like I can talk about this shit around the water cooler at work. This feed is the trusting circle.

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Well I do have that one co-worker. I explain things to him and he just stares and says "I'm so proud of you." He rules.

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The winners should have to dodge boa constrictors to claim their prize.

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I was just reading this in Roland Barthes MOURNING DIARY:

November 15

There is a time when death is an EVENT, an ad-venture, and as such mobilizes, interests, activates, tetanizes. And then one day it is no longer an event, it is another DURATION, compressed, insignificant, not narrated, grim, without recourse: true mourning not susceptible to any narrative dialectic.

(This is exactly what I'm harping on when I'm complaining about the storylessness of certain lives. You could make a story out of that from some distance but there's a certain limit where a stories/story seems to refuse existence. I'm interested when writers write about that absence of sense. Everything refuses You.)

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Full transparency: I am the aforementioned Steve.

Except for a fistful of schmucks trying to rig things here, I think everyone agrees Story Night has been an incredibly motivating and solid learning experience. Anaconda or no anaconda—a huge success.


Watching and listening to people shuck their stuff "in front of a live studio audience" has been great.

An aside: in the absence of audience many "creatives" throw in the towel. I don't think that's the case here.

I hope everyone hangs in and keeps working. I have no doubt great things

are on the horizon.

And in closing; huge kudos triple plus to Chuck and the SN facilitators.

PS Competition gamers: ttfn

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I couldn’t agree more. I can’t overstate how much Story Night and getting to know all of you and hear your stories and connect with such smart, creative, amazing people has meant to me. In spite of one or two jackasses trying to rig the contest, this experiment was a resounding success, no question!

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Not to be that guy, but Stan Hansen, popular Pro Wrestler in US and Japan, absolutely devastated fans in the 70's-80's, whipping his bull-rope around in the audience. Not just the front rows, either; equal-opportunity assault. Japanese fans considered it a huge compliment.

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