
I'll give it a shot. The biggest consideration is that the story be shortish. If it's too long, it won't crib to a posting of reasonable length.

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Thank you!

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Chuck, how many words maximum do you consider shortish?

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Note to self: be faster than Adam Quirk next time….

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And now I’ll stop pouting and read the feedback to see how I can employ it in my writing

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Pedophilia is wrong…

- It’s Paedophilia.

But in all seriousness, great read and feedback, love reading these types of posts.

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Argh, I used to have this spelling argument with my editor. He -- and house style -- insisted on the spelling I now use.

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Depends on which country’s version of English you’re using.

Canada accepts both versions

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Interesting read. Thanks Chuck and Blake.

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Thank you Chuck! I appreciate you. You know when the semester is over I’m going to rewrite it. Originally you set a limit of 1500 words I think and I struggled to maintain that limit. It was hard as fuck, but I think the struggle made me a better writer. As do your criticisms. I’m glad so many people liked it. Again thanks!

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I just love these reads!

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Hola, Professor P. How’s it hangin.

A quick question: is there a new or other specific place where you are looking for new stories for “Gloves Off”?

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For now I'll be looking in the Comments after each post. Luck of the draw.

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Copy that.

My mom says I’m lucky she didn’t swallow me all the time, so I like my chances.

Game on, boners!

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Atticus, awesome stuff as always.

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I love waking up to Gloves Off.

Great story, Atticus. Looking forward to reading more!

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At the end of the child's threat to the narrator, maybe add something like

"Cherry on top, I will tell them you put Burgundy polish on my toes and put them in your mouth."

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“As always I’m going to urge you to weed out forms of “is” and “has.”

Thanks for getting the gutting Atticus!

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Always appreciate a good gutting. And right after I did well on an exam!

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Way to swing the bat within that word limit, Atticus. The "is" and "has" thing is both epic and devastating to see-revisit. You painted a gutsy picture. Well done.

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Hey, if anyone is up for offering a critique of a recent story of mine (there are quite a few, so I just picked the one I think is most offensive) I’d love to have it:


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Never self censor. If you mean retard… say retard. Your work is very interesting. I appreciate the effort you put in and you have potential.

But I’d ditch the warning.

Why spoil the fun.

I suppose in this group we are numb to the nuts, if you will. There’s no more stunning.

But you write with heart.

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Thanks Erik! Really helpful feedback. I waffled back and forth about writing "retard" or not. There's still a small piece of me that can't shake the thought someone will read one of my stories and not have the ability to separate me from the character. It's a good reminder that I'M not the one using that word. So, I changed it a few minutes ago - along with removing the warning.

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I totally understand that. Cancel culture is a thing, unfortunately, and I respect your opinions, of course. There’s always going to be someone who takes offense to art. But at the end of the day, fuck what they think. For that matter, fuck what I think.

Pleasure to meet you, my friend.🤝

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Your writing is honest, direct and ugly.

But if you can honestly make it directly ugly, you’ll have a go.

That said. I want more.

And never stop

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I love this line: "But if you can honestly make it directly ugly, you’ll have a go."

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As a serial summurizer, I think you may have gotten through my thick skull with ‘Naming a thing = Killing the thing.’ Thank you.

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Thanks for sharing Atticus, and Chuck for your insights.

Looking forward to the post-revisions.

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What exactly do you mean by, “recording angel”? Was this in another lesson? If so I missed it.

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Hey A, I think he’s referring to the recording angle, as if the camera were there as a sentient observer….

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But I’m also an idiot

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I’m actually super excited to see if he elaborates… because that one got me too.

Super happy you are doing well, my friend. Now you’ll have more time to hang out with us, you handsome beast.

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