Hey Kerri, have you read 'Geek Love'?? You of all people might love that novel. It's about a family of circus sideshow performers, very nomadic, very alternative. Written by Katherine Dunn, whom I had the pleasure of knowing. She helped me with my travel guide and was the first writer to endorse 'Fight Club.'
Hey Kerri, have you read 'Geek Love'?? You of all people might love that novel. It's about a family of circus sideshow performers, very nomadic, very alternative. Written by Katherine Dunn, whom I had the pleasure of knowing. She helped me with my travel guide and was the first writer to endorse 'Fight Club.'
You bet I did!! You should see my copy!! It’s travelled a lot of places— took me some time to read because my reading comprehension level is a little slow. So did your “Survivor” which made for interesting laundrymat reading. I’d really get into a chapter and the buzzers would go off snapping me back to my life. I really loved her novel— man, I bet she was a damn cool friend to have. ❤️
Hey Kerri, have you read 'Geek Love'?? You of all people might love that novel. It's about a family of circus sideshow performers, very nomadic, very alternative. Written by Katherine Dunn, whom I had the pleasure of knowing. She helped me with my travel guide and was the first writer to endorse 'Fight Club.'
You bet I did!! You should see my copy!! It’s travelled a lot of places— took me some time to read because my reading comprehension level is a little slow. So did your “Survivor” which made for interesting laundrymat reading. I’d really get into a chapter and the buzzers would go off snapping me back to my life. I really loved her novel— man, I bet she was a damn cool friend to have. ❤️
Geek Love is brilliant! That book changed the way I thought about writing & story telling.