If you can “get” voice, you’re home free… Some notes on voice, then our game
Voice is all the ways you get language “wrong”
Voice reveals a character’s body of knowledge
Voice reveals a character’s agenda and slant or spin
Voice reveals the tunnel vision of the Point of View character
Now the Headline Game
Imagine how a niche reporting organization would headline a story. How the story would be slanted toward the priories of its target audience. For example, a young gunman commits a mass shooting at a supermarket. The headlines:
Doable Twunk with Pretty Eyes Kills Eleven
Blonde Hottie Solid Eight, Stacked, Among Those Killed
Damage to Baywood Store Largely Cosmetic
Wall of Boxed Merlot Strafed in Senseless Attack
Dead-Beat Dad, Head-Shot, Won’t Be Missed
Experts: Massacre Tied to Global Climate Crisis
Give me some examples. Name an event, then give the skewed headlines. Years ago the New York Post got lambasted for reporting on the murder of a business executive knifed in her hotel room. The headline in question was: Executive Killed in Rape-Gone-Wrong. Yikes. Does rape ever go Right?
I’ll let this run for a while. Post your entries in the Comments. A dazzling prize for the winner.
Domestic, murder-suicide in a small town: "Husband and beloved Veterinarian puts down Bitch, Self"
There was a headline during the 2003 invasion of Iraq for an article debating the situation that was in the form of a pun. It was, I kid you not, titled: “Between Iraq and a Hard Place.