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There was a short-lived 'Fight Club Curse' which included a mass shooter who waded into a theater during a showing, and... Is there a similar 'Lullaby Curse'???

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I don't think asking for a refund will aid in the production of the book-based movie I'm most eager to see, so it's "buy and hold" for now. It seems natural that things were delayed due to the pandemic. Thanks for the update.

Stranger than fiction once again.

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It’s incredibly tragic how much bad press the book has received lately. Were the negativity attributed to plot details, syntax, author voice, etc. then it’s just a difference of opinion, but it very much feels like the same type of “violent video games make violent kids” argument. I’m so sorry this has happened to you but also, as a fellow filmmaker, feel for the filmmakers put in this tough situation.

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Mar 12, 2022·edited Mar 12, 2022

It's such a bummer how they've handled it all. I joined the comment board there yesterday for the first time since 2016, and per the comment-board rumors that 'anyone who's been vocal is being silenced' with these refunds, I suspect I'll now be axed soon.

I hope it still gets made, someday

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I also didn’t get any notice. Last update was September 2021. My guess is the message someone shared with you is from a backer who got annoyed waiting and asked for a refund. That’s how it reads with the you won’t see future messages or updates line.

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I wonder if they could just transfer the funding to someone who can actually get it made, and made well? I liked Choke, mostly because Sam Rockwell is amazing.

Heres the real question. Why is Invisible Monsters not a film or series yet? Everyone I know chooses that as their favorite by you, and by everyone, I mean me. Gotta get my copies of that, Slaughterhouse 5, and Body Keeps the Score back from the ex but may just chalk up a loss on those.

Speaking of her...Anyone driving distance from Indianapolis wanna go see Neil Gaiman in May? Got an extra ticket.

Edit: sorry for the redundancy. Was trying to move my comment to the main thread and Chuck replied to both.

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Here is the link I have. Pretty much put this in the “oh well” file. Got a nice t shirt. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/footsteps/chuck-palahniuks-lullaby/posts/3181874

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Personally we'd just love to see it come to fruition and are more than happy to wait and see. We backed the kick-started and aren't at all cranky or worried about refunds at this point. We just hope it goes somewhere so that one day we can enjoy it. Plus the artwork and t shirts were great, we would have happily paid for those anyway 😊

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Any idea about the indigogo?

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I'm sorry about the film. I've always wanted a Survivor and Rant movie but those also seem like they will forever remain in production hell. P.S. I emailed your social media man a copy of my short story, will you read it? If you can't it's fine and I promise not to sue.

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I am at a party and I don’t want to be rude. But I have to make an active effort to poke in here and tell you all about the many merits of employing proper hand washing techniques. It matters. Also Chuck, the dog ate my homework. 😬

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The damndest thing…

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See you in detention, boners🤙🏼❤️

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Here is the Indiegogo link. Same story but no beanie. No contact. Bummer. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/chuck-palahniuk-s-lullaby

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