Zodiac killer?

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Oops that’s wrong

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Or is it?

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Randy Kraft!

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Beat me to it

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Ding, ding, ding. You win!

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WooHoo! Who knew having a creepy mind would pay off one day?

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No wait. You didn't win.

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No, wait, you DID win!!! Please send Dennis your details.

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Apr 22, 2022·edited Apr 22, 2022

Yea! I see what happened- "chronological" order is somehow slightly different from "newest" here.

But good job of playing with my emotions. YOU win, sir. :)

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You DID win. My mistake. Contact Dennis.

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Randy Kraft

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You lost by one minute!

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Kylo will be so disappointed when I tell him that he missed out on flopping squirrels. 😝

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Kylo's opinion about my slow fingers costing him prey:


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Lost by one minute!

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*knuckles mirroring a white phosphorus shade of rage

Me: …congrats to the winner.


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Shoot just beat me to it

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That’s my dad!

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I bet your family photos are really cute

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Randy Craft? Freeway killer guy?

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I stand corrected. As the thread reads, Jason has won.

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My bad. I misread the thread. You lost to Roy by a few minutes. Next time. I'll throw one to you. Sorry!

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Ehhh no worries bro, timing or not, I misspelled his last name. I'm stunned as heck I got that close. It was a WAG.

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Ah! That is Randy Kraft! He also killed in Portland. Scary stuff

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He's not the one, but one big-name killer dumped a victim on my property. THAT was unpleasant to learn from a podcast.

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You learned from a podcast! That’s a killer twist to use in a story.

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I'm still going with Michael Ross now because I know now he was the Eggman and my sons last name translates into Chicken Farmer ............which mean......so within a week of running into a bonafide serial killer I still named my kid Michael whose last names means Chicken Farmer. I mean.....Gawd........it's ok.......it's better I don't win...... I'm going home to my jacuzzi bathtub. I miss that most of all....... I'm already a winner......

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You are obsessed with him!

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Its that this assignment has further jogged my memory. I met someone who went to high school with one of the victims. That area of Connecticut, Putnam, where he grew up is beyond rich. I mean everything I know and love around Hartford was his hunting ground. He was executed I believe the year Michael got his first holy communion too. He was 9. I would prefer to pick to be murdered by Kurt Cobain or Ed Norton but there's no proof either have killed anyone with anything but their looks...............

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Congrats all! 😊

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I will post a video of a flopping squirrel in the street, and you will all want one.

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Randy Steven Kraft

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Oh crap it showed me there were no comments until I commented 😂

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Kandy Raft

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That's the drag queen serial killer.

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No freaking way! This is my first official contest win.

Just sent Dennis my info.

Not to sound too boastful, but I was pretty confident with my choice haha

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You have me scratching my head, Chuck. In your first Joe Rogan interview, you stated rather adamantly that you were a bad person. But being on here, seeing you offer your wisdom, donating your time, reading our work, answering our questions, generously giving out prizes, establishing Study Hall, and being a supportive influence to us baby writers, it really makes me scratch my head.

You seem to be the polar opposite of bad!

Unless you mean the cool bad like Michael Jackson Bad lol

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Seriously, I wanted to list several aspects of myself of which I'm not proud. In fact, I'm very conflicted. Among them was the fact that once both my parents were dead I felt a sense of relief that bordered on glee. I would no longer risk offending or embarrassing them. I would no longer have to worry about them. It's a strange, sad freedom.

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Interesting you say that. Not wanting to risk offending your mom or dad. I left a long comment talking about my father's passing and feeling some kind of relief. But there's a part of me that wonders...even if mom or dad were visibly angry or offended or embarrassed by your work, would they still be proud of their son, their son who's following his passion and being productive? I think my parents would. And maybe yours too?

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