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I miss you

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Yes, you.

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Gossip doesn't count.....

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I’d like to hear an ambien story.

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Even if you made it up.

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ambien makes a decent sounding rod in a pinch.

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Did you ever hear the one about Roseanne Barr?!

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Amazed you communicate as much as you do. Enjoy the pauses. Some little monsters don’t butt in with the stereo on. <3

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Awwwh!! Egg!! I bet that was a really good and much needed conversation. Rooting for you Chuck!!

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"There must be a way to live an adverturous life and still remember it." Whoa. Hang on. The only way to have an adventure is to drink and drug? Seriously? I'm not saying lay off of some pill or juice; I'm saying that the addiction is a crutch; one you're way too smart to legitimately need to do anything.

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A sober-minded Palahniukian! What A rare sighting.

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If true, then that's the real adventure he's avoiding.

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With apologies, I read your comment too quickly, and assumed you'd misspelled his name. Thanks, and please don't mind my drivel.

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Well maybe you aren't a Palahniukian but simply read his work rather than live by whatever ideology he's touting.

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Let's say I aspire to be a Palahniukian. Or more Palahniukian. While his writing dares us to be more adventurous, it does not encourage us to get wasted.

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That's the heart of why he calls it 'Transgressive Fiction', yes?

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Define sober

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I guess you can only definite articulate the lack of it, no?

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Bus. Workshop tour. No sane people allowed. Readings at a nudist camp. Skydiving. We could all show up in a truck stop in kangaroo suits. There are soooo many sober adventures to be conjured by so many creative minds.

Also, going to events sober is much better. Barely remember seeing Tom Petty and Steve Winwood.

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Ooooh! Or a camper convoy!

breaker breaker one nine can I get a radio check?

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Everyone I know plays their days safe, like the cardinal sin is making themselves or anyone they meet even a little uncomfortable. What’s a way in the modern age (I cringed typing that phrase) to find people who want to live? Who want to act out? Is there a website? 😛

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You mean a bit like 'bringing your whole self to work'? I've tried that, even if only by accident. 🤦‍♀️🤣.

According to my not at all random survey, there needs to be an anonymous website.

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Egg. ❣️💕

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Without booze, do you find being around a lot of people completely draining? Went to a festival last weekend, and I just cant do it anymore. Need the intimacy, honesty, and big ideas of workshop rather than fake smiles and overstimulation.

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Some people are born adventurers, others have adventures thrust upon them.

My bar is low, I'm still surprised if anyone notices something I've said and hits the little heart button.

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Just begin all anecdotes with “this one time, at band camp”.

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Chuck, you seem like you know how to play, with or without a fistful of Ambien.

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I still need to know if the new book features Australia or Australians, or has our national symbol been appropriated for unrelated promotional purposes, and because they have a pouch?;

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I find aging to be a beastly adventure. “This one time? When I had gallstones? I drove myself to the ER puking into a plastic grocery sack whose handles I looped over my ears like a feed-bag.”

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Maybe take memory enhancing drugs? Nootropics? Poker can help, it boosts concentration and memory. Anyway, that's a beautiful moment to be at. Take your time. I hope you don't pass on any adventure that comes you way.

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We could all dress up as Spiderman and run around Hawthorne. Only $40-50 bucks a pop for a Lycra suit on Amazon bring-your-own- costume.

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