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Jun 8, 2023
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Tell me about it. I mean, an O instead of an A at the end of his name?

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Damned was actually my entry point into your work and still closest to my heart. 🫀

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Thank you for sharing this reality of the industry, and for reminding me that the most important thing is continuing to write. I have yet to finish a single project that I’ve started but I try to eat anti-cancer food so hopefully I can survive a long time too!

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Also... the jewelry sounds amazing and beautifully poignant:’)

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Have I told you my theory about how I think the phone calls Marla receives in ‘Fight Club’ may connect to the ‘Damned’ universe crossover revealed in ‘Fight Club 3’? If not, I’ve got dossiers.

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Not to mention the big reveal at the end, dude.

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Hardly relevant.

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Damned is my favorite book of yours. I’ll wait patiently.

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I appreciate your continued honesty and sharing insights into the industry. I love this forum and the ability to share our writings and experiences.

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Follow-up question? Did Fight Club 3 sell well enough that we can expect a Fight Club 4?

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Hey, thanks for the very sweet card. I keep meaning to respond.

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You’re very welcome! Thanks for being the world’s most generous author.

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Thanks for appreciating him.....

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“My crackpot theory is that writing is not about looking good. It’s about risking looking bad and giving others that same opportunity.”

The above falls right in line with something Sedaris said in an interview I watched just yesterday:

“I want to connect with [the reader]. Usually it’s the worst thing you can admit about yourself that most people can relate to. It was so surprising to me when I realized that—that when I thought, if you write about, say, your own jealousy, people aren’t going to think, ‘Oh, he’s a horrible person because he’s jealous.’ They’ll think, ‘That’s me.’”


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Thank you so much for addressing this! [And thanks Brandon for asking about it.] I love love love Damned and Doomed. And so do friends I've pointed in that direction. I appreciate the dose of hope! 😁

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Love your advice - “What’s important is that he didn’t die. That, and he continued to write.”

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Damn the gatekeepers. Why can't the third book be published here on Substack?

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Good point.

Maybe we/ll get a film trilogy?

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Film or no film, I need to get both books now. A flim-flam troglodite would be swell as well.

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As someone who's just finished Purgatorio and still wants to move on to Paradiso, I have a gap in the Damned series. If the third comes out, I'm looking forward to re-reading the first two and following the story 'til its end. So, the point is, like Martin... stay alive!

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I/ll be damned.


Doomed was released right before my 30th birthday, may have been the day of, in 2013. It was my gift to myself. Unwittingly got a signed copy from the bookstore in North Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

Im certain Ive commented on this before, but the rest area scene in Doomed really hit home. A friend of mine was driving to Fort Benning to do his annual 2 weeks for the National Guard. He and his army buddy were drinking the whole way, and stopped at one of the many adult bookstores as you get close to any military base. They went into one of the porn booths, and there was a glory hole. Whoever was on the other side must have heard some obnoxious young voices, and stuck his dick through the hole. My friend stomped and smeared the strange penis across the wall. They stumbled out, falling over one another laughing. Once in the car, still laughing hysterically, some poor old bastard limped out holding his junk.

I wish he was alive. He tells it so much better. When I heard it, I literally fell out of my chair laughing. My abdomen was sore the next day.

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I know that the answer is in large part, "it depends".

But, is there an approximate number of sales that are considered a minimum threshold to keep going? Is there a rule of thumb on how many sales need to be anticipated for any publisher to move forward with a new book?

Can an established author, just go straight to self-published, or would that be a career mistake?

Not asking to share any private business into - just interested in the overall dynamic.

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I’m also curious to hear thoughts on crowd-sourcing the printing and charging a higher dollar for orders to get the book to print. I loathe the idea of good stories being left untold.

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I have a relative who recently self published and she did a ton of work on multiple platforms, printing, editors etc. got everything on Amazon, and basically had her beta readers discounted her book to get reviews so that it will rank more highly in the genre. The DIY is a grind and a half with much trial and error but that’s one way to get the story out for sure! I really appreciate her going through all the effort so I can see it done first hand. I worked on a crowdsourcing project for a book of poetry once, that’s also pretty viable, depending on how it’s set up and how the marketing is done. Then there’s also artist grants, which I’ve also done for a photo project book and other authors locally have gotten successfully. What I appreciate about technology is our many options available now yet what’s hard is not getting content buried. I hope that addressed some of what you said, I’m a breastfeeding addled new mom and this shit is more of a fried egg situation than any drugs I took prior to motherhood😵😂 started typing then may have become lost in thought

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Yes, and did she get reviews, which are essential, and has she seen some sales yet?

(Your brain will be restored in around 18 years. Then you'll have a whole set of new things to keep you awake at night. But until then, best of luck, and enjoy this precious time. 🙏)

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I really appreciate that! The countdown begins :’)

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For me the added wrinkle is that other options threaten to alienate my agents and the host of independent booksellers I consider my friends after thirty years. This spring I sent them each a box of stuffed kangaroos, the early new book review copies, swag, and spotted dicks. We've all grown up together (or not).

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Or they might cheer you on, and fully appreciate new platforms and paths to publication are ready and waiting, and the other avenues have a positive feedback loop to future traditionally published books.

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Can we all get necklaces!? Yeah!

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Hah! Branden did the heavy lifting! He got the bookmark.

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I had to try Sir...*Grins*

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