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What a story Tommy!

Already can't wait to meet you and hear those stories. I can trade you the stories of my father marching across China, albeit for very different reasons.

Journey To The West is a most famous Chinese mythology written into a book where a monkey, a pig, a denounced former general of the heavens, and a Buddhist monk travelled to the West in search of the truth. They had to go through 81 challenges along the way. I'm sure you and Clara and your son had to go through just as many if not more obstacles, and I hope you all found something even more precious than the truth.

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deletedAug 24, 2022·edited Aug 24, 2022
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What an incredible life you have led Tommy!

The Iron Rooster is a distant childhood memory for me. Such nostalgia. Now the trains in China are so fast and modern, but not with the same distinct smell of old cigarette smoke seeped into every square inch of the carpets and seat cushions, the boisterous banter, the crying of the babies, the shells of sunflower seeds all over the floor, which in my head define a period of Chinese culture and what it was like being a Chinese person. A whole zeitgeist in the dirty mess of a slow moving train. I'm relatively young, but for the younger generation of Chinese people, it's a dream of the past that they will never understand.

Crazy how I am reminded of all of this by some guy in Lexington Kentucky! Crazy how an almost lost piece of memory can once again be remembered because of a fellow human being that lives half a whole world away from where my roots are! Crazy how the vibration of a culture is preserved in shared pieces of memory, in words -- our footprints of having been here.

I'm deeply grateful.

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I will see you one day, Tommy.

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Here! Here! Randy, cheers!

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Thank you, Randy! I’d like to put my name in the hat!

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See you next Monday at the Churchill Tavern?

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Do you need help with anything? My email is alisondbull@gmail.com. Please let me know.

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Let's chat in person. This is our first event so many unexpected issues may come up. Any lending hand could be so helpful. Appreciate it!

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Enjoy everyone! Would love to see a Chicago (or Midwest) event one day as well.

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Haha - fair enough! Happy to organize in Chicago. If anyone's local or willing to travel to the Windy City, please respond to this chain or email me at agowani@substack.com. I'll compile a potential roster and then circle back on logistics if there's enough interest.

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See you in Chicago!

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For the record though, public speaking terrifies me more than pooping myself in public. In high school, I skipped out on speech class twice by strategically rearranging my schedule.

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Do think that doing some readings in the Sunday discord workshop would help any?

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What a fantastically terrifying idea!

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But truly, you are right. I am going to have to suck it up and start practicing. One foot at a time.

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Shoutout to all the Substackers who’ve taken their time to organize readings (local and remote) among other things!

I’d be a much worse writer without all your selflessness.

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Right on, RANDY!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Good wishes to the Hindsight Readers!!! These stories have been phenomenal to watch!!! Excited for all of you!!!

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I didn’t know how or why, but I could look at fifty different bars and somehow I just knew. Every city I went to. As soon as I set foot of the plane. I knew a writing workshop was close. Setting up franchises all over the country. The smell of dried ink. Dirty shoe prints all clustered in one specific spot. That aroma of old reader sweat like fried chicken. The feel of a floor still reverberating with applause from the night before.

Hats off to Randy!

Once the British get past the small obstacle of illiteracy, eyem sore then well hav a werkshop hear in no tim et al.

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World domination.

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Chuck: If there is any interest, I might be able to get some free-press in a "small" NYC local paper to promote Plot Spoiler and the event. https://www.chelseanewsny.com

If so, let me know how best to proceed. I might be able to have one of their editors or journalists contact you, or give you their info?

Ah, I also might be able to connect with https://www.wnyc.org/shows/all-of-it

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YAY! I’ll be there. Can’t wait.

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The Lie Factory lives.

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Can't wait to see you next Monday!

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Sometimes, the way to proposition a giant is by simply propositioning said giant.

Ask and you shall receive... the permission to build a community.

First, thanks Chuck! And it's a thank you not just for helping me make Story Night New York happen, but a thank you for your overall generosity to the writer/attempting-writer community. (I identify as the latter.) Too many things you've done that benefit us. I believe I represent many people here with this thanks.

Second, I have to give thanks to two non-substackers: Maria and Honor! Two key players that helped me greatly in designing and organizing Story Night New York. I would have to work way way harder on this if not for them. God forbid...

Third, looking forward to meeting other writers and fellow attempting-writers at The Churchill Tavern on 9/12 and more dates in the future. I've always felt so alone writing in the big big city. Now, at least, I will know there exists others who feel equally alone... Let's help each other be better at this words thing we like to do.

Finally, if there are people who can regularly attend Story Night New York and are good at cameras, please come talk to me on 9/12. I will be the Chinese fella at the front with a cowboy hat in which your names will go and be drawn.

Sometimes, the way to build a community is by building it. You are all a part of this thing now. Let's go.

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I’ll be there from Jersey. Thanks again for coordinating. So excited.

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If we're honest, we're all, always, attempting-writers.

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Thank you for stepping up Randy and giving others the opportunity to read.

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Nice job, Randy!!!

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You can count me in as a regular. I went back to driving Uber when I need extra cash to have freedom and flexibility to write and do what I want when I want. I'm looking forward to meeting you!

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See you next Monday at the Churchill Tavern Karie!

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I'm almost ready and wild horses ain't keeping me away. I drove to Oregon in April and was kicking myself in the ass for not staying ???? And then I saw that you were doing it and I'm so happy to learn and share!!!! This is so much better for me as I'm from Connecticut (Hartford mostly)

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Agree with everything here. I’m always busy and my life is a disaster, and fiction is one of my life lines. The only reason I subscribed to this was because I read whatever Chuck Palahniuk writes, so the prospect of meeting other writers of this sort!!!! Wow! I did not even know he had a thing on Substack. I’m going to do my best to make it and connect with others working on their writing game. 9/12 Will be my first Monday after summer back in the classroom (DOE). My spirit will need this, lol... so hopefully, I’ll exit the south Bronx on the six train that Monday (my train I share with my beloved dope fiends) and to the city, and get involved. 

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I’m in. i’m from the Bronx. But I’m in and I’m going to bring one of my stories to read.

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Can't wait to hear your story Joshua on Monday!

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Honestly I can wait to meet you and anybody else connected to this undercurrent. Now I’m 95% sure I’ll be able to make it. But I got my wifey, my daughter, my job, and the world is always crashing down. But so far... I think I’ll be able to get there. Lord knows I want to. So I hope we can meet and keep the fire going. The power of writing is real my brother

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Hey Randy, when is the next story night. When I was in Manhattan people said it was Oct 3 but Chuck posted something that it was this Monday. Let me know.


Karie Anne

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Hi Karie Anne,

Our next story night will be Monday, Oct. 10th. The New York event will always be on the second Monday evening of the month. I believe the one on the coming Monday that Chuck mentioned is for Hindsight Story Night in Portland.

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Oh crap, I'm in Chicago that week for a Bears game and then over to Notre Dame for a game. Bucket list check, check........I'll definitely be there the next one.......

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Disregard the last message. I'm not leaving for Chicago until the 12th so I'll def be there but perhaps nudge Chuck to post the next date because several people leaving thought it was the 3rd and said they were coming back......

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Cya Monday night. I'm not leaving for my trip until Tuesday

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Great work Randy! I hope it becomes a new sacrament for the writers and those who like to listen to good stories in your area.

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Thanks for organizing this Randy.

I'm in the city. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help. If I can, I will.

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See you Monday Steve. Throwing your name in the hat I hope?

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Thanks for your message, Randy.

Yes. Hat me in (written with sweat dripping off phone).

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Will be there with something to read!!!! So excited!!!! Tyvm Randy!!!! I made my first trip to New York City last week since I was 12. I have severe PTSD and it was a phobia I conquered. I saw the Naked Cowboy even!!!!!

Life can't be better. Thanks so much!!!!

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I live right by Time Square. I see the Naked Cowboy all the time on my way to the gym!

As a fake New Yorker, I welcome you back and I can't wait to hear your stories soon!

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I can't wait. Just so you know what to expect from me. I'm 49 going on my second childhood and I got a picture on Facebook (and Instagram I think, I'm 49 and suck at social media except Facebook) of my ass lined up to The Statue of Liberty's lips, cuz I had to with the caption *My bum is on her lips....."

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Tomorrow is still a go in NYC I assume?

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