Things we know we know, things we don't know, things we don't know we don't know, and things that we know we don't know.

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AIs cant do me either.....until further notice that is.......

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No robo hand jobs :(

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Lets invent the Handymachine™

It fixes your sink and also unclogs other pipes.

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I think this is changing. People are starting to think like the algorithms. AI is mirroring human thought because human thought is being shaped to how machines work (dumb machines, obviously).

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How's this?

AI recognition software doesn't just use the face. It also sometimes identifies people by gait.

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And the fact that we often prefer the company of animals over humans says to me that its not about intelligence at all

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It seems that societal acceptance of cyber communication over human contact has won; AI chat was an eventuality. I wonder if it can learn pith and sarcasm? If so, goodbye witty netizens.

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Somewhere an A. I. is sardonically clapping its cold, lifeless, cybernetic hands together.

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Must remember to say this the next time a woman says to me, “I’m up here.”

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“I donate ten percent of my income to charity and teach Sunday school every week.” SOLD this book sounds amazing. Audible preview for the win. Don’t you love it when storylines go outside the tropes we’re all used to? So far at least, she’s not a serial killer. She’s a Sunday school teacher. I fucking promise you more than one of my Sunday school teachers were sociopaths. Catharsis lol

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Linux reference. NICE!

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