I’ve thought of a new way that you and Bret Easton Ellis can settle the “who’s censored more” debate. Have you ever seen ‘Barry Lyndon’?

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Do tell. I saw that film, but decades before you were born.

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I’m proposing you two gentlemen settle this the old fashioned way with flintlock pistols.


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Field trip to a gun range

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Im very curious if anyone attending has experience with firearms?

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If I go, I have lots of experience. Firing crew served weapons. Firing ship mounted armaments. Also handguns and rifles etc. I learned all the basic stuff as an Eagle Scout. All the other stuff was from a variety of sources. There are things I won't mention that I'll just allude to vaguely that I also have experience with in the weapons category.

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Sounds like a Stephen Sondheim musical gone awry.

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Thank God.

I really need to shoot something.

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They're going to nix the open bar, I think. Fingers crossed.

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BYOG? Let us know what limitations they have on that please 😊

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Too much fun laughing at myself. I knew I fucked up but I was back in the room enjoy tacos when it hit me!

I called the Millionaire by name, first and last. Fucking awesome! You can watch and laugh away but obviously we both know you can't put it on Substack.

Neverfear, I can revise my brain and do it over again Monday!

I really did enjoy myself and wait to see that Youngstown has a male version of me........

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Still working on the story I want to send you for Gloves Off. Reason it's taking so long is because I keep going back and re-writing bits before I've completed the first draft. And also because of procrastination and self-doubt and maybe some trepidation. But you already know how that goes.

Oh, and something interesting. You know how you post select lines for every Story Night video post? You have me looking at my lines and thinking, "This sounds like something Chuck would pick out for one of them videos." I don't know, it just makes me feel cool haha

And I've been writing on legal pads too! I've got like 25 of them, better start filling them, you know?

Hope you're doing great, Chuck <3

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keep at it!

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you'll shoot yer eye out!

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I think that's why I'm not invited....

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I can't wait.

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🧐 sounds interesting.

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Great title.

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Every waking moment this week I have spent on rewrites. I need some fun violence to balance me out.

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Guns can be such a polarizing topic. I'm stoked.

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I'm going axe throwing today! Neiner- Neiner!

P.S. I just messaged Walt Silva and offer to cowrite a story.........he thinks he doesn't have stories in him but he's the most talented person I've ever met. His singing is so soulful.........so I gonna write a story WITH him to get him back on Story Night. Days like this I'm so happy I'm a genius! I've only known him a little over a year but he was an instant bestie. He just retired and has no excuse not to be writing!!! He hasn't said no to me yet ..........

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