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Yeah "frigid" jumped right off the page.

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Oh dear...

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My thoughts exactly. When I thought of the great lakes, the word "filthy" also went through my head.

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We noticed.

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My work here is done.

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There's a reason you are my friend and now I know.....but everyone knows so your next mission is cancelled......

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I’m happy with my results. Dunno about people being poisonous though.

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Actually not that bad.

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I chose “terminal” for the white room. I suddenly feel the need to see a doctor.

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At least you dont get bitter staph infections from sex.

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For that one I got “vast”, which I think is good. I’ll hold my breath though, this could turn out to be a monkey paw situation.

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That means your partner is gonna swallow you up like Bilquis in American Gods.

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There are worse ways to go, I guess.

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Please don't die without me

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We are all terminal?

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But some of us are more terminal than others.

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On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.

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I am in your head.

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And you’ve been there rent free since ‘99.

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"Sure, We're all dying. But you're not dying the way Chloe is dying."

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True. I've been exterminated a few too many times............I'm quite positive I'm the reincarnation of Margaret Mitchell.........but Ive only known this for 4 1/2 years......

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Helpful hint: A friend who adores Mitchell went to the Mitchell museum in Atlanta and reported that it was immensely sad and disappointing.

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Well I'll read everything again in the am when I'm not as stoned.......I'll feel less panicked then lol.....but this is daunting!

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Terminal sounds about right.

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Red - Me - warm, hot, alive

Jumping Spider - You - gumption, springy, hairy

Ohio River - Sex - muddy, staphy, tannic

Padded Cell - Death - calm, cool, quiet

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I know John gets down and dirty, he's talking about the Ohio River. Who knows what kind of bog bodies and heroin needles are at the bottom haha

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Theres a story about the staph...

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No one wants to even go there with cold, unforgiving and ugly. But I didn't see it that way when I was having sex back in the day before da Millionaire.

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Yeah, yours made me shudder.

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It was 7/4/2007 and we camped on the river. There was a drought and it was very stagnant. Swam anyway and got a staph infection in my nose. Looked like a clown nose made of flesh and burst capillaries.

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My first thought of this was represented as a Halloween costume, new spin on “sexy clown nose”

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Proof positive I'm a serial killer

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My sex life used to be amazing......like I could write a whole other kind of book once upon a time..................

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I used 'sour' for one of my body of water adjectives...

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I describe death as round, bumpy, and fun! 😀

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Oh death seems pretty right.. Featureless, mysterious, and cruel.

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You should have withheld the results and just posted this as the post: https://images.app.goo.gl/YtVqZtdmkRW7mLmH7

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Now I want a calendar of cute animals saying slurs.

For your listening pleasure:


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I should make a Keiko calendar........no joke. He is the definition of sexy beast. And he always has a tiny little hard on when he's attacking me. He's a Red Pomchi and I rescued him with the name Keekko. I didn't like the spelling for obvious reasons so someone suggested Keiko, that is time and date stamped. I've never seen Free Willy because animal movies make me too sad.

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I wonder how the film "Babe" really ended. Did the animal star end up roasting on a spit at the wrap party?

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You suck.

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But I think I wanna go troll everyones sex lives and see if I can find anyone brave enough to rassle with cold unforgiving and ugly.............

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Green : Natural, artistic, gentle Lion: free, majestic, austere Atlantic: Changing, Dangerous, Challenging, Room: Institutional, Gallery-like, Hard

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Aw man. I've never heard someone describe one's sex life as "silt". It's like an accidental Freudian slip. Or a "smooth" death. Cool experiment though! :D

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Silt is not just detritus. It’s also the rich stuff that life grows in. So, it makes sense. 

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Women love a man who's well-Jung.

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Youth is wasted on the Jung.

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Bet Jesus wishes he'd been Jung instead of nailed.

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My color was green too, and it’s true: I have been told I can be a real “apple.”

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Interesting. I was pretty happy with my answers until you got to the body of water. I assume (hope) that happens a lot.

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