Damn, wish I was local to Portland right about now...

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Me too. I'm tempted to buy airline tickets for a future time...

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Is it safe to assume this will continue every-other Wednesday into April?

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Let's see how this flies.

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I’ll bring a sweet tender hearted story about pugs.

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Do that.

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Man, I wish I could be there so bad, even if I bombed. Have you considered a lock-in, a la Haunted?

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This is probably a better exercise than workshopping. Builds the ability to read something out loud and figure out whats wrong on your own, which is stickier than merely being told.

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Exactly. In real life, I'd like you to have that skill to diagnose and fix. In my old days, my long-time editor, Gerry Howard, would send back a manuscript with just the note, "It's not working yet. I can't guess what's wrong. Just fix it." That was maddening, but that's life.

Just fix it.

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Reading to a room of dumbfounded faces on people who dont write fiction helped me learn that Id made the story much too complex, and helped me finally understand vertical. So much of it is intuitive, and often requires time away.

"Give a man a fish, and he has a pet to flush down the toilet. Teach a man to fish, and he drowns."

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This is going to be the best thing ever. Ever.

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Will you make a post about the “Three Suzys”?

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Ah. I'd mentioned them in the past so I didn't here. Around 1992, Suzy told me that since she was a child she'd conceived of herself as three people:

Suzy of three days ago.

Suzy of now.

Suzy of three days from now.

Whenever something too good or bad occurred, she'd deal with the stress by "becoming" either the historical Suzy who'd no idea this event was coming, or becoming the future Suzy who'd survived the current upset. This trick gave her perspective and helped her deal with emotions that would've otherwise overwhelmed her in the current moment.

This kind of intentional disassociation works wonderfully in fiction. Essentially your character creates a "character" and that makes your original character seem more real to the reader. Make sense?

If you effectively show a character using such a skill/trick/hack your reader can adopt it. Thus your work becomes their life.

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Thank you!

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Outstanding! Such a great place. I can't wait. This time I won't have to drive through a monsoon to get there.

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I made plans to be there on the 26th. Good luck to all the fortunate people that get to spill their guts in front of a live audience. I cant wait to make a fool of myself in front of all of you.

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Good Luck to you.

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That’s pretty bad ass . Gotta get something like this out in Boston

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Pretty sure Rabbi Iblis is in Boston, or close. If I still lived there I’d gladly help. But I’m in the South now, and heading closer to the equator very soon.

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I live in Morocco xD.

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Well then thanks for letting me know

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Well, I was way off on that one. Sorry about that. Hope you’re well!

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If you do, try to find a place where civilians will not wander in and spoil the intention. Even a few confused bar patrons wreck the vibe.

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Good to know . Thanks

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Good luck everyone. Can only be there in spirit.

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Good luck all! I hope you get a good sense of what works and what doesn’t from the atmosphere of the audience

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That's when I wish the Atlantic Ocean was the side of a pond.

Enjoy everyone, and make the best out of it.

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