Hmm I think I’ll take a look at some old deleted scenes where I have the character roll their eyes all 4th-wall breakingly at me, the author, and replace me with someone new.

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Have you seen "Strictly Ballroom"? It uses the fake docu style so big in the 90s. You might love it. Baz Lurman's first film? It's just like "Dirty Dancing" only good.


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It reminds me of best in show. Yes… never thought they could be telling the camera. I like diaries and letters too. I’m picturing a written youtubeamentary with the old type of response videos…

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Make sure you watch "Reds" and "Zelig" for the full fake-docu effect.


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Omg! It’s been so long. Gummo and Kids are great ones too.

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Zelig is my favorite Woody Allen. So underrated.

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Awwwwh! I love Baz and “Strictly Ballroom” is a major favorite!

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Why do I always start crying at the dad's slow clap? I'm serious; I'd love to know what's going on in the plot that consistently brings me to tears.

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My narrator is telling the fellow members of his discord server all his stories every Sunday. It wasn't until we got infiltrated by that reporter from Kotaku that everything went south.

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Discord is good for context. It provides its own tension and parallel plot lines.

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Admittedly, this concept of providing context is difficult for me to comprehend. Is it more about revealing aspects of the story for better clarity?

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I think Mr Palahniuk just really loves phone booths a lot. They are pretty cool.

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Consider that as a failed Catholic I had to shout my sins to deaf Father Schmidt in a dark booth where outsiders could overhear. While in a phone booth, others can see but not necessarily overhear. It all makes sense in old age.

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That may be laugh out loud completely. Shouting confessions so everyone can hear. That is the best! lololol

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The horrors!

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Wish I was a fly on that wall, hearing Chuck's sins. I'd know what he's books are really about like Ira Levin's thalidomide.

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I know right!? Hi Joe G!

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How many people do you think he's shot and fucked?

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Look at the four questions.

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I meant for YOU to revisit the four questions. What's the storyteller's agenda??

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House of Leaves has all the things. There's a lot of things I don't understand here but I'm pretty sure House of Leaves does all the things. :/ Thank you Mr Palahniuk! So good!

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What I really enjoy about House of Leaves is how Mr MZD would break up his story by saying the word "you" directed towards the reading every once in a blue moon. It's very fun and a bit startling and breaks up the story.

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Im doing this new thing in substack now where I either do one long message or reply to my own comments because my Satanic friend said I was a Substack comments piggy and gave me some pointers.

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AND it was very sweet to see you again last week. Thank you for coming.

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Thank you! I just loved it. I always have the best time! Thank you Mr Palahniuk!

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Oh! And Joe Frank! Have you heard "The Bible Salesmen" by Joe Frank? Omg! It's so good and his stories are pure action and objects. His work is so inspiring.

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Link me.

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Here it is! He kept things locked down like crazy. It used to by on NPR but they just dont have it out any more. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Skyo6HiI1mc2mhB5PjgivMNsqy5_6tKx?usp=drive_link

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Take a letter, Maria. Secretary as intermediary.


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Damn, I missed that one! "Say I won't be coming home. I'm going to find a new life." And the brass section!

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A Dictaphone!! Damn!

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Maria needs to dodge the guy on the rebound.

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And why don't they wear neckties on American Bandstand anymore??


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I love the contrast between how touchingly the song is sing and "send a copy to my lawyer"

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The world could use more ties. I sometimes wear one just to throw people off.

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That last question sorta stumps me. Who is the storyteller telling the story to? Because my answer to that question is...I don't know, an audience? Which is a generic plain-vanilla default answer. But it's got me thinking of other possible options. Specific characters from the narrator's past, present, or future. Or the narrator could be telling the story to themselves.

Also, what do you mean by context? The four questions make up the context?

Geez, this is quite puzzling for me lol

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The point is... it gets you thinking. It expands the story into a new dimension. Puzzle away. Sleep on it.

Did you ever get a new dog?

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You got me in hysterics. LOL! You keep asking me about a new dog and me having to tell you, no dog. But we have a black cat. It's not a dog but mom is less sad. That's good enough for me.

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Relax. I'm sending you a small dog.

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You're a saint. But if you wanna send me a small dog, it has to be the electronic toy dog that barks and does backflips.

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How have you been doing, Chuck? I bought some new pens the other day from Amazon.

Uniball Deluxe Rollerball Pen.

Blue ink.

Haven't written with them yet. I like prolonging the suspense.

I've also been eating a lot of cottage cheese and it's not too bad actually. Been adding a pinch a salt and some honey but the flavor is getting more and more like rechewing puke.

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The big question is... are the pens one millimeter? Then we can talk. Those pens are the orgasm of writing.

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Oh no! These pens are only 0.7 millimeter. But wait, before you leave, these pens make up for it in personality lol

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Send them back. Scale up to big-boy pens.

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Okay, if I get the 1MM big-boy pens, does my writing get bigger and bolder?

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Honest. Your writing gets honest.

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Actually, I bought some other pens in 2021, the same brand, but they are black and 1MM. I still have some big boy pens! But they aren't blue, they are black lol

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Natalie Goldberg talks about pen choice in her book "Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within" she talks about balancing the pen ink flow to how fast you write so you don't have time to think so much about what youa re writing and just let it all flow out.

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It would be cool to test writers' output while using different width of pens, different styles, etc. Maybe Chuck's next micro-spectacle...?

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That's funny because all my pens are fine or needle-point, ranging from 0.5-0.7. I write small so I figured this'll help squeeze everything in.

I'll scale up to big-boy pens and see if I can reach that writing orgasm.

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So clearly the OHTO Horizon needlepoint is the best ballpoint pen .07 Next would be a Jetstream also .07, both oil-based ink. I suppose a 1mm is okay if you want to fill pages more quickly and feel like you've written more’ Roller Balks, Gel Pens, and others are just sad.

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0.5s are Stiletto pens. Powerful diva energy, like the pen is reading you for filth as you write.

I've been Pilot VBall 0.5 since eighth grade. It is the longest continuous relationship of my life.

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I think the last time I used a 0.5 size, I pressed too hard and scratched a hole through the page lol

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The Voice, the Plot, and the Context are my new holy trinity.

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For what it’s worth, this was my first attempt at focusing on context:


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Fantastic reminders and examples! I will get right on that.

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That Telephone Operator video is so bizarre. I miss the 80's. Although If I could travel back in time would I feel the same way once I got there?

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Loosely related. This song was written to the sound of a phone left off of the hook, and the organ part mimics it. https://youtu.be/DYzY7-V5vxY?si=zgXU3rSxeghOHhnf

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I get a kick out of the fact that in the IMDb credits for The Hunger, Willem Dafoe is listed as "2nd Phone Booth Youth".

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I find it easier writing the narrator in the first person and thinking of an audience (best friend in a bar, etc). But in 3rd person, it feels more abstract.

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I mulled these questions over for several hours, and as a result, came up with one the most brutal and inspired monologues I’ve ever conceived. Now I just have to wait for the euphoria to wear off so I can get humbled again.

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