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Wasn't that a little pug dog that talked? I loved that dog.

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deletedJan 22, 2022·edited Jan 22, 2022
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'The Galaxy is on Orion's b...b...'

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Ouch. You're right, but that wasn't the answer I was looking for. So many films with red cats!

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Congrats to the winners!

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Dude, I need to get more involved in Chucks community. I always read a book in his voice even if it’s not his book. That’s how I learn. This man changed my sight over and over, every single time I have hit rock bottom.

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Well... hello. What's funny is that I only write a book when I'm at rock bottom.

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Oh my. I hope we're not contributing to your rock bottom-ness since you are in the middle of writing one of your darkest novels apparently :/ The world needs great writers and teachers.

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Hell, you are the light in my life!

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Hell yeah! I'm glad us space monkeys are worth something!

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I hate that I have that in common with you. I don’t hate having solidarity with someone I consider a mentor. I’ll call it a win. 💪🏼

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Chuck has the best community! He writes insightful posts, often replies to comments, and draws a great crowd.

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I did not know we did winner stuff! I will now be more determined to flex what I have learned since my discovery of this genre of writing that I will never out a title to. This is dope. Congratulations to all the winners!!! Woohooo

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You can choose to filter them by order posted - change it to 'chronological'. If you do that, I got in first for Breakfast At Tiffanys (just wanted to pat myself on the back for that, as I was smug to know it straight away....didn't have a clue about the others though!)

I have already won something though, and felt a bit silly jumping in on the thread straight away anyway (too much on my hands clearly), so 100% please send it to Wusiwug. But I am going to pat myself on the back, if that's ok?

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I will try that right now.

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You're the best Tom! You're a good internet friend. Thank you!!

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Yes, Tom saved the day. Three cheers! And he wins.

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I don't think I've saved the day for a long time, so that's good. Cup of tea to celebrate, like a dutiful Englishman. Enjoy the prize!

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Thank you Tom. It really did brighten my day to win something. lol. I'm still a 5 year old at heart. Like yesterday I found out there's actually a football player named Dick Butkus and that made me laugh way way more than it should have.

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Winning stuff is always great! I used to have to regularly call a guy for quotes whose second name was 'Dikshit'. That never got old for me.

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I love saying that name hahahahah

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Congratulations, John or Josh. Hopefully will get in first next time!

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I’ll channel my inner 4yr old and wander in halfway through the movie and ask “what did I miss?”

I’m joking I don’t care but congratulations to the winners all the same. 👌👈

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Yay 😊 I'm so excited! Thank you Tom for saving the day!

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I would like to state for the record that all though ‘Garfield’ was not the desired answer, I was technically not wrong.

Congrats to the winners! (Do be sure to exercise extra caution when opening the parcel so as to not release the glitter covered box of anthrax.)

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Do not ruin the surprise for them. I know where you live.

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I'll be waiting by the mail box with my double barrel nasal coke sniffer.

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Sharing is caring 👀

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LOL. What's the use of anthrax infused cocaine if it can't be shared with friends? I'll make sure to sacrifice a portion of the winnings to the berserker lunatics that are the U.I Substack gods. May it please them and they look down upon us with great favor.

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I was only joking of course! There’s no glitter.

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Excellent work winners! Enjoy your haunted parcels of doom!

Another quiz another submission of a slew of incorrect answers! I would've never guessed wizard of oz (or to be fair, any of the other answers).


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The Wizard of Oz was one of my favorite movies as a kid. Totally missed this one. I was too busy thinking about Homeward Bound and rewatching Alien. lol

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I showed up late to class and rewatched it too. I usually always start with Aliens. I wonder if the bright hair/dim lighting thing is why they chose a blonde haired kid to play Newt? Seems like Ripley just upgraded pets to a human.

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Because of the great rule of movies: It's always sadder when a blonde person dies.

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Have you seen Return to Oz? Terrifying. One of those things that both scared and delighted me as a kid. So weird.

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Good job, winners! I’ve GOT to figure out how to set an alarm that goes off for a Chuck emails only!! I keep sleeping through the quizzes. :)

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Winners! Job well done.

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But but, I heard that this is a special quizz, where participation prizes will be given to all 😜?

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Hah! No.

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Then, I'm just gonna wait to get lucky and win -- sooner or later.

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Comment Threads! The U.I. gods are crazy! They mess with us for sport? Are they drunk? They are Viking berserker gods foaming at the mouth waiting to throw in another nonsensical interface element to see if they can start WWIII through substack. Seriously bros.

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Imagine if Chuck gave out participation prizes. I know he wouldn't but that'd be crazy.

He'd have to ship out like 80 boxes of stuff lol

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Chuck, You've sent me a prize before (before Halloween), but I'm a different "Josh" than the one you referring to in your contest winners post this time around. So perhaps the other "Josh" hasn't won anything yet (but I don't want to put words in the other Josh's mouth). Follow me? =) Josh J.

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Curses! Congrats, Slaney and the other winners!

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