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The selections of wine and cheese are the salt in the wound for this one, huh?

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Will be mixin’ it up in Youngstown - but will be there in spirit!

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See yah TOMORROW!!

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Maaaaan!!! You all are lucky!!! ♥️👍🏽

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Here’s the link to the post advertising this from Monica’s SubStack: https://open.substack.com/pub/monicadrake/p/quick-reminder-pdx-see-you-wednesday?r=t5ium&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

Figured it’s be worth posting here as Monica may be able to answer any questions about the event in the comments, if anyone has any.

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Sounds like fun. Unfortunately, driving to Portland once a week is enough for me. I might as well live there if I find myself driving there more often. How is Portland so much cooler than Seattle? I need to find cool writers parties in Seattle. Hugo House parties are boring.

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Of course it's still going. We made our blood sacrifice. We all went and made a deal with a crossroads demon. "Agent" is how they are referred to in workshop as to not offend anyone. I got a sweet gig. I only had to provide 1,000 virgin souls in exchange for several book deals. I mean I live in Seattle. Home of wizards of the coast. I went to one magic the gathering sealed deck tourney and got all the souls in one weekend. Mestopholies was impressed to say the least. He said I reminded him of a young Robert Jordan.

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Chuck didn't post about it starting up that I remember.

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You could just ask me. I would have let you know. I didn't know you were interested.

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Big fan Chuck, please do check out my fiction if you find the time. Good day to you sir!


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