Trust me. It's a very fast read. The movie... I can't recommend.

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There are vert few books to movies that can be recommended.

(I won't watch a book I love anymore, it destroys my vision of it. And for me, that is the purpose of reading.)

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That reminds me--would you sometime put together a must-see movies list for writers?

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Oh yes.

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I'd love to. Easy task. Thank you for suggesting it. I will call it "Maegan's Movie List."

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Would this be movie adaptations of books (e.g. ‘Rosemary’s Baby), movies that are there own original IPs (e.g. Alien) or a mix of both? I ask because I think the distinction between the two could be interesting in that you could talk about what works well specifically from the medium of film and then also how film adapts (improves, alters, etc) certain elements from books.

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Brandan's cookin with bacon grease on this one. Seconded.

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Woo-hoo! 😃❤️☺️❤️😃 Thank you!

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Audio book is read by Meryl Streep and is btw 5 and 6 hours. Doable and I still get to walk the dog 5 times as I regret feeding her inappropriate people food while the wife is away.

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[big sigh of relief] Good luck everyone else!

PS Check in with the Pixie Project at your leisure. Hope you were feted in style!!

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Huh? I will email Amy now....

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I was in contact with Jessica B (twice now, 1 for the bookmark). Maybe more than 1 person knows about these things. ;)

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I haven't had 24 unaccounted for hours to read a book since the H.W. Bush administration. BUT, if my life tastes matched the means I have to experience them, I would take this challenge up in a nanosecond.

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Audiobook from the Library to the rescue. Will Smith's autobiography will have to step aside.

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Well then. Looks like I’m putting one day delivery to the test.

Update: it failed.

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Here comes the piracy

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Now I know what my day looks like.

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Given that book choice, are you trying to turn Valentine's Day into Burning Man?

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The only reason why I'm waiting for a time machine is just to jump back in time and have dinner with Nora. A dinner back when she was writing for the Esquire, missed the big inheritance from her uncle and she found herself so skint she had to finish the screenplay that became "When Harry Met Sally".

When I read on "Consider This" that you knew her and you met her a few months before she died, something bounced in my chest. Nostalgia for a moment I didn't live.

Thinking of you two chatting over a coffee was something I always wanted to capture on photo and frame it.

On a side note: "I Feel Bad About My Neck" is a sexy wink to the world. You can't read it and not fall in love with Nora. God, I miss her so much.

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Agreed, her early essays were spot-on. "A Few Words About Breasts" is a classic.

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"I have thought about their remarks, tried to put myself in their place, considered their point of view. I think they are full of shit."

Cracking myself up.

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The audiobook is 5 and half hours. Listen to at double speed and you're down to just two episodes of the Bachelor. Or Naked and Afraid. Or Touched By an Angel. Whatever your guilty pleasure.

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Very good point.

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FYI Andrew is sitting right here at Study Hall and he brought me Hostess Cupcakes!

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Looking forward to your lesson, spoil away!

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Dang. It’s next up on my list, but right now I’m neck deep in Geek Love!

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I can do it. I used to read 7 books a day. As long as it's not Anna Karenina or Gone with the Wind I can read most books in 8 hours. Will I get a prize tho lmfao

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You should get a prize. 7 books a day is Mighty.

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Aw that's sweet. It's my birthday tomorrow. Was raised Jehovah's (I never was) so I'm just really trying to get a present any which way I can lmfao. Im never have time when he has a contest lololol ........but now I have to buy a book and it's not even Chuck's???????

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Sordid story: I dropped out of college for a year and went to be a beach bum in the Dominican Republic. Where marijuana got you sent to jail, but Percodans grew on trees. The only book I could find in English was 'Gone With the Wind' so I read it for a year. Reading the dialect BS was a pain.

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Interesting. What was it like finding a dealer there for the first time? When I lived in Ukraine, finding a good one, and then going to get the stuff was nerve wracking. You might know better about Dominicans ( And Ukrainians) but, from what I've seen, a foreigner with 20g of weed in the hands of a Ukrainian cop, it never ends well.

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Weed .....

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Got off it more than a year ago, after finally tasting what we call here, 'The royal hash'. A rare sativa strain only produced in Morocco. The stuff that could make a dealer a fortune in European black markets.

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I was drooling until Sativa and I are not friends. Only Indica for me.

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The rule is: Sativa during daytime. Indica at night. But, once you get into a high rythm of smoking daily months after months, all of it becomes the same.

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Weird fact about me since we are sharing. I grew up so below poverty my toys I cherry-picked from the garbage because white people throw out the best shit (yeah I know I'm white long ass story for another day). So I accidentally married a millionaire. I had no idea he was rich and that didn't matter but suddenly money was no object in my life for once so for almost 2 decades of I really want or need something I buy it or it's been given to me. Your prizes are so delectable and absolutely nothing I could ever buy but there is a weird maybe selfish part of me who derives pleasure from watching other people win and maybe it's why I have the craziest luck. I have woke up out of a sound sleep, gone to the casino and won $9,000 within 5 minutes of walking through the door, won the office football pool every year so they started doing 2 prizes, won them both and almost every contest or raffle. I know it's a big egocentric to assume I'll win your contests but why take the chance?????? Now I haven't won anything lately because I would have to leave the house. P.S. hope you got my message I ain't coming tomorrow. Been depressed, I'm almost out of it and ready to reenter the world again because I've told my demons to fuck off. I am fucking determined to get there tho, that's my prize...........I don't do hero-worship cuz everyone is human but I hope to hell if I ever got stuck with one book it's Fight Club. I think Margaret Mitchell was the bomb and that's one of the top 10 books ever but still .....lol.............Marla is a far more interesting character than Scarlett.....I'm jus saying.....

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P.S. Another fun fact. I've had a Roman Catholic Exorcism. A real one. Because I converted to Catholicism as an adult. They found out my mother was Jehovah's and I was never baptized. So I can at least take my demons since then.......lol. The more I find out about you, why can't you make this easy on me and write my story and I'll just tell you why lol.......it's not so much cuz I'm lazy or scared of failing......I just want to skip to the part where I'm off saving the planet and washing wildlife in the ocean, my happily ever after........ kidding but kinda not 😂😂😂😆😆😆😂😂😂😆😆😆 not many people understand the obligation to leave shit behind for future generations....that we are nothing if we don't give back

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I grew up Grapes of Wrath poor too. When people think of white people, they think of cul de sacs and Teslas. You are understood.

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Wow......ty so much. I really struggle with both shame and guilt.

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Unfortunately, severe poverty often comes with abandonment, abuse, addiction, mental illness, et cetera. But thats ok. It makes us much more interesting than the cul de sac kids.

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I really appreciate your advice. I'm writing my life story.....kinda.......it's all written in my head........sorta............

I think faster than I write. I really fucking do. I am exaggerating when I boast I can speedread and I will download the book and read and respond as soon as I get a good night's sleep tonight. I always get emotional from Thanksgiving to my birthday, the entire world disappears for the holidays. I thought I was doing well but my spigot drained. Early menopause at age 49, I'm mostly stoic but God it was a straight floodgate for 1 day and a half. But I'm so good now. I just realized I shouldn't beat myself up for not writing when I know it's the worst time of the year for me and for my friends 🤣🤣😆🤣😆 if they need support.I ain't lying when I saw those words last night, I relaxed. If I set myself up for failure, I will fail. So all I need to do is refocus. But if I keep delaying, yeah well no excuses......I'm gonna have to get in a cage with myself and have at it lololol......

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You had me at "millionaire."

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Cheap n Crass and I FaceTimed and I walked through the house and showed her the brand new Orange Corvette race car. It was blue in November. But he decided he didn't like the color and traded it in.......I tell you he's the Kramer (Seinfeld) to my story...... Can't wait to discuss him more one day lololol

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You can read this book in one sitting on the toilet, the hallmark of a great American novel.

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😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Toilet time is very precious to me and will be well discussed in my life story 😃☺️😃🤣😆😂😆

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It should be noted that Meryl Streep narrates the audiobook. Just sayin'

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Hey "suckers" haha

You might be interested in this website.

https://archive.org/details/heartburn00ephr/page/n7/mode/2up (you can use a Google account).

The book looks very interesting, but, contrary to popular opinion, I am not a trained terrapin that will drop everything on command. 24 hours is way too short.

Thanks for the book recommendation. There are times when I am reminded that I do have a life away from this page.

192 pages. Quick read, huh? And psst, we all can read the spoiler at any time in the future, as in once we have read the book, or not.

Just call me a one-woman Project Mayhem. ;)

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To think, I live across the street from the Jewish Public Library and it's the one book by a Jewish writer they don't have in their catalogue. So near, but yet so far!! (plus it's almost too icy here to cross the street! Ice storm city!!)

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WHAT! It must've been stolen.

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And sorry about the ice.

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You and me both would be sorrier if I stepped outside (i.e. past our doorstep where I ventured to pick up my emergency food drop (Thank You, Amazon Prime) of Garlic Oil Triscuits). I don't even want to think of all the parts I would potentially bump, break, dislocate etc. on the sidewalks and streets. It is a good day for indoor reading though.. I am truly tempted.

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They're actually pretty adept at losing items, but those titles still appear in their online catalogue. Maybe they had a run-in with Ms. Ephron at some point. Certain ethnicities are known for their quarrelfulness (speaking as one of the tribeswomen).

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Found out in my 20s that my maternal prababushka was Ashkenazi. It explained a lot.

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