Here are my favorite inscriptions for the first five contest photographs
As usual, if you’ve been chosen please contact Dennis at The Cult. Send him your snail mail address, and phone number if outside the United States. For Customs, you know.
As prizes you can choose either a hardcover of Not Forever, But for Now, or an oversized paperback of the graphic novel Fight Club 2. Please let me know how you’d like one or the other inscribed. To you? To a friend? As a holiday gift? A birthday?
Here goes.
Contest Photo #1
Lauren Forsyth Wins!
The inscription: “$150/night”
Contest Photo #2
Blake Greene Wins!
The Inscription: “The house with the tunnel”
Contest Photo #3
Chris Skrzypek Wins!
The Inscription: “The day I found you”
Contest Photo #4
Frank Restaneo III Wins!
The Inscription: “On leave, before Tet offensive 68”
Contest Photo #5
Sebastian Shepherd Wins!
The Inscription: “The wig fooled no one.”
I’ll be posting the next five winners soon. Prizes will go into the mail as quickly as I hear back from the winners. Thanks.
Congratulations to all the winners! Really enjoyed this series of posts and joining in. Welcome back from tour too 🎉
These contest photos were a lot of fun to do! It incidentally also worked as a decent writing prompt of sorts that you’d get every two days.
Anyone who has a copy of ‘Not Forever, But for Now’, be sure to read the About the Author section AFTER having read the novel for a neat Easter egg.