Oh dear. I just did a wiki. What a monster. Reminds me of our local Wesley Allan Dodd who finally got pinched while dragging a victim out of the old downtown movie house.
Why do so many serial killers have a tie to Tacoma???
Dunno, The same reason the suicide rate is high there???? Shasta Groene did a special describing the whole ordeal she survived. I couldn't even imagine. And all that wasn't his first crimes either
You lost me. Is "Idaho" a story, or are you referring to the quadruple murder in Moscow?
Oh dear. I just did a wiki. What a monster. Reminds me of our local Wesley Allan Dodd who finally got pinched while dragging a victim out of the old downtown movie house.
Why do so many serial killers have a tie to Tacoma???
Dunno, The same reason the suicide rate is high there???? Shasta Groene did a special describing the whole ordeal she survived. I couldn't even imagine. And all that wasn't his first crimes either
The Quadruple murder of course......