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Brandon, Iā€™m so sorry for what you have been going through. šŸ˜”

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Iā€™m sorry about your cousins.

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Thank you. Take care of yourself, okay. That's a lot of hard stuff all at once for you.

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Sorry to hear this man. June is around the corner. May it bring some better news for you and your family.

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My name isnā€™t any of these names.

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Thatā€™s so terrible to hear. I saw the post and was equally concerned. I hope suicide isnā€™t confirmed and that heā€™s just going through a rough phase. A little over a year ago I was suicidal and dangerous writing, among other changes I made, helped pull me out of it. Youā€™re doing a great thing Chuck. Please keep it up. Weā€™re all grateful for it.

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Matt, so glad to know you through this Substack and became friends. You ever need someoneā€”- you got it. We all have one another here and are hella strong as a collective. Iā€™m making a vow to be there for my fellow writers. Iā€™ve had my dark moments, too manyā€”- and very lucky to still be here. Iā€™m so sorry to hear this about a wonderful spark in here.

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Thank you! You as well.

Honestly I wish so much that I could converse with you and so many others in this forum either face to face or in chats. Iā€™d love to bounce ideas off of each other on our work, but I donā€™t want to clutter things up here with what would normally be a chat conversation.

So many people here are like-minded and I feel like a lot of people are such great writers here because theyā€™ve dealt with intense pain in one form or another.

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May 29, 2022Ā·edited May 29, 2022

I think there is actually a chat forum that is on our individual Substack, Iā€™ll check to be sure. (Just checkedā€” itā€™s just an ā€œinboxā€)

Looking into what it requires to starr a Discord channel. If someone else already hasā€¦ can you let us know? Chuck? What do you think? Could we make this real so we have a place to chat and share work privately. ā™„ļø

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Cool! I think Discord seems to be what people use the most!

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Do we all have access to the Discord, or is it something for another group? Send an invite link if we are allowed to join!

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Well, it doesnā€™t exist at this point as far as I know. I think weā€™re waiting to see if Chuck wants to chime in.

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I like Discord. The application not the antonym of harmony.

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I already did. Will locate a link.

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I forwarded the link to Dennis. Hopefully Chuck shares it in the next post and we can all communicate easily outside of these posts.

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Same. Same. Same.

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Maybe we could throw together a Telegram or Signal channel or something like that? Chuck, please feel free to comment if you have any input.

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Or Discord.

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Whoever starts a Discord for this groupā€” Iā€™m in. Itā€™s time.

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I would start it, but I donā€™t want to overstep or anything if thatā€™s something Chuck wants to do. Iā€™m happy to start one though.

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I don't know what any of these are but I'm in lol

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Hey, sometimes the only thing that pulls me through is packing a box and sending it.

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Getting a box from you and having you review my work was one of the best things that has happened to me this year. Just an FYI. It was awesome. And my dogs agreed as well.

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I second this! ā™„ļø Sassy AGREES.

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I second this too! Kala agrees, sheā€™s still chewing some of them to be honest.

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I second that, too! Definitely one of the best things this year!

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And sometimes your package gets me through the day...Wait...that didn't sound quite right. :P Seriously though. Your kind words and all the time you take out of your busy day to do all these nice things is astonishing! Thank you!

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"Packing a box" and "sending it"

Uh huh, the ole pump and dump. I see what you did there, ya little sneaky devil you lol

*elbows you in the ribs*

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Buudumm-tiss...I amuse myself endlessly :p

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I only know that the first photoā€™s mother is named Missy Eliot. And you spell Colton with two oā€™s.

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No, I think Colten is spelling his own name wrong. Like Brandan.

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There used to be only *one* way to spell Tiffany. šŸ™„ [spoken as one of the oldest naturally-named Tiffanys. I have met one older and was very envious that her husband was named Mike Diamond]

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Right? I live every day wishing my first name was Sacha. Sasha?

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Is that true? If so, I'm delighted that the story I read at Hindsight Monday had a main character named Sasha! :D Unfortunately I have to change it after hearing feedback. Someone thought it was a girl. It seems important for the readers to be able to visualize the proper gender you're writing about. I made some changes after running this story through my writing group, who also couldn't tell what gender the character was, but apparently not enough. Maybe a name change would help. Thank you for the amazing opportunity to test the writing.

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Me and those hicks from Skamania...

Oh shit they might track me down after this goes live in the papers. Maybe there's still time for them to correct my tombstone.

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Take it up with whoever signed my birth certificate, man.

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This week seems like a walk in a familiar bad dream. Iā€™m praying the man has gotten help.

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Chuck once mentioned the High and he gets from writing. Now he reminds me of another reason to write; to exhaust emotion. Itā€™s my sincere hope that whoever it is is OK and just taking time to themselves.

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Keep in mind that many people sitting and waiting in hospitals need a good book or story to get by. And in airports.

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You just reminded me I need to help my father with clothes, books, and trinket donations. (Bit of a hoarder. Not complete filth but stuff)

As for myself Iā€™ve written five and sent query letters to hundreds of agents. I wonā€™t quit till I see my book in an airport specifically. Until then itā€™s just going to be me and the *tackity-tack-tack-tack* of the keyboard.

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ā€œI wonā€™t quit till I see my book in an airport specifically.ā€

Love it.

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ļæ¼ I realized when I wrote this it made it sound like I would quit writing once my book was in an airport. I probably wonā€™t quit even then.ļæ¼ļæ¼

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Ahahahah, no worries, man. It was pretty clear.

One step, one book, one milestone at a time.

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Iā€™ve been querying, too, and Iā€™m ready to shelve the book and try with the next one. I wonā€™t quit, either. I think Iā€™m probably crazy.

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You are crazy. But so am I. All writers are bonkers.

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Iā€™m in good company!

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Scientifically proven

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True enough. When I was 16 I carried my copy of Fight Club with me everywhere. I love the story, but the writing remains to me hypnotic. For me, it was a touchstone through my late teens as a place to fall into when life was angsty and uncertain. Great stories really do form part of our support network.

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Hey, Chuck. Krissy Eliot is the proper spelling. Thank you.

And also, oh shit. What else is there to say but that really fucking sucks.

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Hi Chuck. He reached out yesterday to me. Busy, stressful week, sorry maybe my message to Dennis the other day didnā€™t convey he was definitely ok. I wasnā€™t completely sure until yesterday.

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Thank you for that heads-up. I appreciate it. Much.

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Person in the first photo: I love your shirt

To the other news, gee, I don't know what much I can say besides that I hope you are well, too

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Yes, it's a great shirt.

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Yeah, the school shit is hard for me. Michael received 38 titanium staples at age 18 from violence at school just six months before Sandy Hook. I'm happy Erik's gonna be ok tho.

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Heartbreaking to hear these things, but poignant words and advice. Thank you, Chuck.

Well wishes to all. Thereā€™s always a way through.

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Thanks for checking in, Chuck - and for being genuine.

Stay hydrated, everyone. Hydration is key.

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Like many (all?) people in this sub, I've had my share of rough experiences that have weighed on me. Since I was a teenager, I always thought writing about it would help me get through it. Chuck, your 2018 interview on Joe Rogan affirmed these feelings, and just this past winter I finished the first draft of a novel, based on things that happened that I found too complicated and too hard to discuss in any other medium. This small, but important (to me) accomplishment is due in part to the insights you've shared and the community you've created. They have given me the inspiration to get it done. Thank you so much. I hope one day I can join you all in Portland.

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Such is the magic of Tom's Dangerous Writing. It allows you to burn through all your unresolved crap and be ready for the new stuff. I loved on "Armchair Expert" when Dax asked, "What happens when you get your life perfect?" I said, "Then your parents die." Point is, there's always new shit, so it's good to have a strategy.

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For me it was writing and playing songs that got me through hard times.

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for the photo of the audienceā€”the girl in the green beanie is my partner Miranda Rehaume :) yay miranda!

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May 29, 2022Ā·edited May 29, 2022

ā€˜Tis the week that reminds me that impulse is a knee-jerk humans can learn to regulate from inside themselvesā€”most else can be regulated by anyone but ourselves, outside, if need be.

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Oh my goodness. Just terrible. Let me know if any of you guys need anything, Homies!

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