Bwahahaha! Need one with him shirtless caressing a raccoon.

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I wonder what Fabio is trying to hide.

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This is why we can't have nice things! (said Chuck's mother)

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Is there a larger context? I can understand a weasel putting it in the neighbor's garbage but does he drive around town with garbage to spread out the garbage cheating? Doesn't everyone have to sign up for some garbage pickup service? Out east, residential garbage is part of taxes so I'm refuse ignorant.

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Let’s go ahead and add that to my pile of regrets.

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Aesop's Fabio for the modern day

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My goodness. Being raised in the South has its pitfalls but when I hear stories like this my heart swells with hillbilly pride. "You best be on your way, Son. And don't think 'about lookin' back ya hear?"

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Groundhog Day has been extended this year...every story here I'm reading twice. I'd expound but don't want to anti-select myself from the "Olympics" tomorrow. 😜

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Why? Do you have some odd trash laws with stuff you can't typically throw away? I lived in Japan and they have complex trash disposal. They give you a calendar so that you can keep track of what day of the week is for what item. I just don't know why he would mix stuff in unless he is too cheap to pay for his own trash service.

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Have you shared this? The world must know!

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Honestly I would be proud of that. I feel a kinship with the raccoon

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Fabio with his lover! https://candice372.substack.com/p/fabio-with-his-lover Buy Stickers here! https://www.redbubble.com/i/sticker/Stevenson-Trash-Bandit-by-candicemcharles/101183019.EJUG5

Stickers are now for sale on the site above!

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I could no longer poke fun at Fabio after he got hit in the face with a bird at Bush Gardens. March 30th, 1999. The world will never forget that day.

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According to People magazine, Fabio is looking for love at age 62. What is he doing in the PNW?

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This is too good. lol I wonder if he ever started paying for trash services after his garbage infamy. #FabiosDumpsterFires

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Atleast, he still leaves the trash cans for everyone to use. I had a neighbor once who got caught hoarding a bunch of those green containers from all over the neighbourhood. He used them to store legumes and wheat flour.

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