This is the only spam I like. Frankly, I love fried spam. If on death row, my last meal would consist of fried spam, Ramen noodles, and corn dogs. In many ways Kerri got the childhood I wanted. All of that Midway food….
Dennis at The Cult tells me that several subscribers have received a message asking them to text some phone number. I would never do that. I will never do any of the following:
Ask you to send sexy pictures
Ask you to wire money to my account in Nigeria
Ask you to send leftover prescription painkillersAsk you to tell me, honestly, what you hate about me
Recommend you read Nicholas Sparks
Ask you to vote for anything
Groom you (not really sure what that even means)
Offer to read your screenplay and fast-track it to Plan B
Enroll you in a mutual suicide pact
Send you photos of my bare feet (no matter how vehemently you ask)
Thus, if you’re contacted about anything that seems untoward, delete the message.
I’m not sure if this spamming is related to my co-agents being hacked. This week my computer genius friend will take a long look, and I’ll do what’s needed.
To date, the intrusions have been on the recent post about AI writing, here.
If such fishing occurs on other posts, please mention it to Dennis, here.
If this continues to be a problem, I’ll suggest you all send me sexy pics and Vicodins, and that we all kill ourselves during a Zoom meeting.
Sigh. And to think I was actually going to respond to the Cernovich post today.
A couple of things...
1. That toenail picture. I've lost both big toenails at different times. They've since grown back.
2. Fried Spam is amazing. Truly.
3. I just came across a 7-year-old video on YouTube of you reading "Fight Club 4 Kids" and... I'm pretty sure I came close to dying from laughter. So thanks