To my teacher and good friend— may you have a spectacular birthday and be proud of how far your life/work has gone forth. May small things, like the colored glass, the rocks you built the castle with, your dogs (past and present) bring you such happiness that you have to squint to shy a tear away. You came so far! You’re still doing i…
To my teacher and good friend— may you have a spectacular birthday and be proud of how far your life/work has gone forth. May small things, like the colored glass, the rocks you built the castle with, your dogs (past and present) bring you such happiness that you have to squint to shy a tear away. You came so far! You’re still doing it!! There are books you have written that are still to be discovered by further generations. That’s one helluvah legacy! Then, there’s all of us— beyond happy to learn from your life and continuous kindness. May 60 be good to you and keep pushing you to be more than who you were yesterday. Thank you for sharing your life with so many of us. Lots of love and shorter sentences!
(Also, I’m a huge Imogen Cunningham fan—- my photos in college were often compared to her work—- I would have passed out sitting across from her well-known model, Twinka!!! Omg. I also have a tattoo in Anaïs Nin’s handwriting on my arm)
Thank you. I am now six days older than my father ever got to be. And four years older than my grandfather ever was. It's all gravy. I've beaten the curse.
Friend through Chuck, you let me know when your birthday is and I effin’ will!! Imma gonna go read “Benjamin Allen’s Modern Tales” and begin my research. 🤓
To my teacher and good friend— may you have a spectacular birthday and be proud of how far your life/work has gone forth. May small things, like the colored glass, the rocks you built the castle with, your dogs (past and present) bring you such happiness that you have to squint to shy a tear away. You came so far! You’re still doing it!! There are books you have written that are still to be discovered by further generations. That’s one helluvah legacy! Then, there’s all of us— beyond happy to learn from your life and continuous kindness. May 60 be good to you and keep pushing you to be more than who you were yesterday. Thank you for sharing your life with so many of us. Lots of love and shorter sentences!
(Also, I’m a huge Imogen Cunningham fan—- my photos in college were often compared to her work—- I would have passed out sitting across from her well-known model, Twinka!!! Omg. I also have a tattoo in Anaïs Nin’s handwriting on my arm)
-Kerri and Sassy. ♥️🎂🙏🏼🎁🎳🍕
What she said!
Thank you. I am now six days older than my father ever got to be. And four years older than my grandfather ever was. It's all gravy. I've beaten the curse.
Thank goodness.
If one day anyone were to write me a happy-birthday message like this, I'd be a step closer to happiness.
Friend through Chuck, you let me know when your birthday is and I effin’ will!! Imma gonna go read “Benjamin Allen’s Modern Tales” and begin my research. 🤓
The world needs more Kerris