Let's discuss this more, but Soren Kierkegaard wrote about how young people flit from one passion to the next until they find there is no definite perfect passion. That's when they take the leap of faith and devote the rest of their lives to what they truly want to do -- but are most afraid at failing at.
Along that same theme, I always loved the line in the film 'Heathers' where Christian Slater says, "Let's pretend we blew up the school... now that you're dead, what are you going to do with your life?" Very Camus!
No, wait. Is there a difference between Robert Benchley and Peter Benchley? Katherine Mansfield and Jayne Mansfield? Audrey Hepburn and Kate Hepburn? There are just too many facts.
What a life brimming with "six symbols". Keep it up, ol sport! And don't ever give up your "day job" of jewelry making. You've really got a knack for it!
I knew you were ahead of your time! ;) Reminds me of getting into birding 20 years ago, and being catapulted behind 1 or even 2 generations.
Meanwhile my (younger) cousin beads for charity and her business has been going through the roof. The seniors in her town must be sorely disappointed that the bead supply is so scant.
Hey Chuck, happy birthday! I live in “Tomorrowland” (aka Australia) so it is your 60th birthday right now. I’ll buy you a cake to celebrate, then eat it myself :)
I was born in 62 as well, but in November. How weird it feels to make it to this age & still essentially have the brain of a 16 teenager (well, I do anyway). Have a good one.
HBD Mr. P! Another inspirational piece. Although I'm not sure I understand this part: " He whispered, “And now she is talking about your beautiful wife and your eight beautiful children…” Still, God bless her for trying."
Did your handwriting evolve to what it is now, which is suggestive of an illustrator, or did you decide to actively change the way you write? I had spent several minutes debating over whether to mention that when thanking you for the prize (and then decided not to mention that).
My elementary school had us do D'Nealian, resulting in all my projects from that time looking like CurlzMT, and now my lowercase Ks are just small capitals for some reason?
The link/coincidence of your birthdate coinciding with other authors in pretty neat. I’m quite dubious of a providence existing, but if it does, it appears to have done the “you get a car routine!” but with writers 60 years ago. And thank said hypothetical providence for it. Or don’t? Thank entropy and random patterns that make themselves known across time? Eh...
How did you know? In an effort to get the perfect deconstructed Brad Pitt there were “lengths” I was willing to go. Needless to say there are several disassembled tube TV’s and a climbed backwater power line or two. Lol My son took that picture and gifted it to my daughter who holds the original hostage.
Let's discuss this more, but Soren Kierkegaard wrote about how young people flit from one passion to the next until they find there is no definite perfect passion. That's when they take the leap of faith and devote the rest of their lives to what they truly want to do -- but are most afraid at failing at.
Along that same theme, I always loved the line in the film 'Heathers' where Christian Slater says, "Let's pretend we blew up the school... now that you're dead, what are you going to do with your life?" Very Camus!
Thank you. Enjoy Latvia!
I caught that too.
No, wait. Is there a difference between Robert Benchley and Peter Benchley? Katherine Mansfield and Jayne Mansfield? Audrey Hepburn and Kate Hepburn? There are just too many facts.
What a life brimming with "six symbols". Keep it up, ol sport! And don't ever give up your "day job" of jewelry making. You've really got a knack for it!
Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not Chuck. ;) Are you?
I knew it. What was that odd video? I mean really now? :p
The First Holiday...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dj--fiTqS4&list=PLkCvnw4AiL4qpqRcrOXCKwIRT5ahVFvk4&index=8&t=29s What is that??! I must know! Spill the beans!
And what on earth does "sepaciating" mean? It doesn't seem to be a word.
The war has commenced!! Confess!
Inspired. Happy birthday, Chuck!
Well, happy birthday then..
Do you celebrate it or ignore it?
AKA Greetings from Norway!
PS With any luck you can snag a seniors' discount on beads!
The only people who buy beads tend to be seniors. That's not a market the industry needs to lure.
I knew you were ahead of your time! ;) Reminds me of getting into birding 20 years ago, and being catapulted behind 1 or even 2 generations.
Meanwhile my (younger) cousin beads for charity and her business has been going through the roof. The seniors in her town must be sorely disappointed that the bead supply is so scant.
Hey Chuck, happy birthday! I live in “Tomorrowland” (aka Australia) so it is your 60th birthday right now. I’ll buy you a cake to celebrate, then eat it myself :)
I was born in 62 as well, but in November. How weird it feels to make it to this age & still essentially have the brain of a 16 teenager (well, I do anyway). Have a good one.
Now I finally understand "A Portrait of Dorian Grey." And I'm the portrait.
HBD Mr. P! Another inspirational piece. Although I'm not sure I understand this part: " He whispered, “And now she is talking about your beautiful wife and your eight beautiful children…” Still, God bless her for trying."
I think he's implying that the speaker was extolling every possible virtue that Chuck might possess. She might have gone off script a little.
Ah, how very Italian!
(I can say that because I'm half-, so I can't get cancelled for racism)
PS I had to read it a couple of times myself. ;)
She also talked about my fervent Catholic faith. She was pitching me. Every little bit helps.
This story makes me hungry for KFC mashed potatoes!
That with a side of Kafka
Is a side of Kafka deep fried roaches?
Did your handwriting evolve to what it is now, which is suggestive of an illustrator, or did you decide to actively change the way you write? I had spent several minutes debating over whether to mention that when thanking you for the prize (and then decided not to mention that).
And Happy Birthday!
Sadly, I still clung to cursive handwriting. What they once called the Palmer Method. A mess. It's why I still can't write a lower-case 'a'.
My elementary school had us do D'Nealian, resulting in all my projects from that time looking like CurlzMT, and now my lowercase Ks are just small capitals for some reason?
Pfff, you have wonderful handwriting 😊
What do you want for your birthday?
What does one get someone for the big 60?
A coffin? No. No that’s 70. I think 60 is a M-72LAW Rocket Launcher and socks… lemme know! ⭐️❤️🎊🎉🥳
I'll make a list of various peoples' hearts. Their real hearts.
I want to see!
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday, Chuck!
The link/coincidence of your birthdate coinciding with other authors in pretty neat. I’m quite dubious of a providence existing, but if it does, it appears to have done the “you get a car routine!” but with writers 60 years ago. And thank said hypothetical providence for it. Or don’t? Thank entropy and random patterns that make themselves known across time? Eh...
Happy birthday Chuck, have a scrumptious day!
Happy 60th birthday Chuck!
You said I couldn’t send you a gift but I found a way to upload/share that silly picture I’ve been meaning to show you.
Please get a birthday laugh out of this: https://imgur.com/a/I0wQzr4
You should win some kind of prize for being able to post a picture link here! I only know his Facebook page. ;)
Imgur seems to work just fine. :)
I see that but it's new to me. Maybe I'll try it. :) Thanks for paving the way.
Think it works for videos too. Or short gifs.
Woah. Did you touch a Tesla coil or what?
How did you know? In an effort to get the perfect deconstructed Brad Pitt there were “lengths” I was willing to go. Needless to say there are several disassembled tube TV’s and a climbed backwater power line or two. Lol My son took that picture and gifted it to my daughter who holds the original hostage.